Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

That’s a really good question, these are only the third run of autos I’ve tried… Hmm, I think I’m 15 days from seed now, I’m sure I have pics of their first leaves too… You said it’s 30 days of Veg until they start into budding, yeah? I wonder how closely the plants stick to that timeline too… Hmmm…

How far are yours from seed?


Glad you asked haha made me go look. So the biggest one in the corner is over 3 weeks, the two middle seedlings are about a week old the other two are about 3 weeks old. That’s why I’m wondering. I know the big one is stunted. The two that actually sprouted there in the middle should be good, but one looks like it’s just getting started at 3 weeks from transplant. :rofl:


They can be so bloody fickle, eh??

This is 15 days from seed… I thought I still had a ways to go before she’d be showing anything either way, but maybe I should start looking for signs…?


I’ve seen sex on stunted 8 week autos at the second node. Yours don’t look especially unhappy to me, and I think @Kasper0909 said we’re expecting these to run more like 10-12 weeks, so I’d guess sex would show around the 4th node. You might have preflowers soon or already.

My feeling with autos is the clock starts when the seeds hit the water. :wink:

IME “Bloom” time starts a few weeks in, either at whatever is that strain & particular plant’s genetically programmed time, or can be triggered early by stress.


Alright only waiting on one to sprout.

Going to try cloning in cocoa. Took two lowers each of 1 and 3

Used cloning powder so not using imo.
Going to try super simple first.

Not sure how long I can hold my self back from flipping.

Day 52 going to hit 60 then flip.


They’re looking goooood man, some really nice purple hues coming in, very nice :metal:


Snowhigh '74 Punta cometa Oaxaca ( @Tejas )x Bodhi Blue Sunshine @VAhomegrown still going strong . The purple one I’ve had to spray off a couple times because of aphids so the pistils are not white. Took a couple flash shots.

The Oaxaca definately dominated these two.
These started showing flower December 31

Is my Google math right at 83 days almost 12 weeks?


Couple Afghani auto volunteers.
These came up after quite awhile, crazy.

I’ve had this covered since chop. Even added some amendments and got some fuzz before leaving it open.


Good looking girl! Sorry about the struggle with the aphids.

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They seem to only bother the dark one. 🤷

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Have you tried the one-n-done?

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No, too many ingredients🤣. At least for now. I need to figure out something tho.


I had a really bad spider mite issue… I know, not the same, but the solution might work… I filled a bathtub and submerged her for an hour or so. She came up clean and wondering what the hell happened, but the mites weren’t that lucky, it worked like a charm 🤷

Good luck man, those lil buggers suck


Ya I’ve thought about a 5 gal bucket with water and light surfactant might do the trick.


If you do submerge it, I found I had to give the leaves a shake when they were under, the bottoms all held air, and that’s where the mites were… I had do to it twice 🤦😁


And so it begins :grin::clap:t3:


All but one came up.
Up potted to cups.


Mephisto autos in homes. Surrounded by beans and soon clover.

And Habanados up.


Loving these square cups they are much more stable.

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Is it flip time or wait? I’m Always so bad at not holding back, then again they are in 3 gallon pots and I think I’ll keep them there. Thinking I’ll top dress with flower girl now and start letting it break down.