Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

The males will throw a couple pretty big sacs earliest. The females can take a bit longer. If you’re at 2.5 weeks then there’s a good chance she’s female. Regardless you’ll know for sure soon. :grin:

Dream Blush about a week of 12/12

3 gallon pots all organic. Dr earth dry amendments, JLF and labs doing very well.

Going to have to tackle trimming here soon


Chickens. Who else wants to draw a face on their fluffy butts.


What breed are those? My wife and I really want to get some chickens. We love fresh eggs and chicken poop is great stuff.


The white er ones are Wyandottes, the dark ones are bard rocks. They are both very sweet and friendly. And they both are good layers. I get usualy 5 or 6 eggs a day with 7 total hens. Chickens are an absolute pleasure.


Afghani auto update -

I have a winning soil mix I believe - they still haven’t even started flowering, so they must be very happy. It’s the ones in the Miracle Grow “Cactus & Citrus” soil. Direct seeded into the soil about 2" deep. Started out in shade, now in moderate light they are chunking up. There’s two big ones and one little kind of hiding in the middle.

Of the set of 4, they were fairly happy, RIP two boys, the two are left. One is a girl but already blooming so I doubt she’ll achieve more than the first girl, and I’m thinking of removing her to give the other the full space, since it hasn’t even shown sex yet. Leaves on the earlier bloomer are cool looking though.

And here’s the girl from the first set:


Nice those newer ones are doing really good. :grin: even that stunted one is a stout little plant. She looks to be a soccer ball :yum:


Did you ever get any of that fog dog auto fem pollen, cuz these afghanis are just screaming for it.


Nope. I’ve got some fog dog auto fems though, planned for the next run or two, and could save some afghani male pollen for them :grin:


Oooh nice that works too! I was lucky getting some so I’ll be showering some Mephisto and afghanis for sure If all goes according to plan.That fog dog looked incredible.


I have my male Afghani that’s now almost 2’ tall, and a drunken fog dog right beside him just started showing pistols :blush:. Should I let him go? I’ve never grown either, so don’t really know what to expect from the parents, never mind any child seeds that’d come out of it…

The male is on the left… He’s crazy tall!


Dang very nice! That girl is stretching! Is she showing flower yet? The parents from reg pollen on an auto would be reg beans until you worked them a couple generations. If you are growing for smoke I wouldn’t.

Oh wait I think I thought that was backwards. I see the Afghani is the male on the other side. So if they are both autos you’d have reg autos. But f1 now

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Yeah, the male Afghani is in the distance and rhe female Afghani is closer. The male started showing when he was about 2 weeks old I think, and was about half the height of the female… They’ve both shot up, but the male has exploded!

The drunken fog dog auto is just to the left of the male, in the pic… She shot out these pistols overnight!


Ah now I see clearly :joy: those are awesome looking pistils!

By the way that male looks to be already dropping. You are probably already pollinating :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Ahh shit! Ya think?? 🤦. Guess I’m getting up and pulling that male now! Hahaha


You may have a couple seeds but not many. Spray him with water before chopping him. :joy: then mist your girls once he’s gone.

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Man when they start to grow they realy take off.

Hoping I have a couple females there


Two Dream Blush clones still doing good after different environment