Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

Outta likes, but… Thank you, I totally would have slipped spraying him down first.

I’m going to try collecting pollen for the first time, I should be able to cut him up in pieces and shake him into a Ziploc bag, yeah?

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Btw, beauty looking plants! I love it when they’re settled in and really start growing :grin::metal:

Chop him, put him in a vase of water and isolate. Then when you have some sacks open beat it into a metal bowl. I would not use a zip lock tho cuz you need to make sure it’s dry first. And it would go all over the bag

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I use paper bags.


Oh nice paper bag sounds good

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Ahh, that makes sense, a paperbag would let it dry… How long should it dry before hitting the freezer?

I should really YouTube this crap, but you all know this stuff and I can ask direct questions :grin:

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Allows to continuously dry, throw in one of those little dry packs and keep in the freezer.

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Ya I’d say several days depending on your humidity to make sure it’s dry. A couple grains of uncooked rice also helps keep it dry

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Awesome :grin::metal:. Thanks guys

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Trimmed up the Dream Blush a smidgen.

An 8 leafer. Weird
My hands are pretty large too


Local imo taking off in the imo/mulch bucket.

Very white mycelium.

And I found some granola poop out back.
Any poop identifiers?

I almost want to plant it somewhere. It’s full of different seeds. Just noticed the colony of little baby purple Roly Polys with both the mother and the father there


Well, I’m not sure what possessed me to go pick this crap up but I just couldn’t leave such a diverse goldmine alone. :rofl:

If the mycelium take to it I may ferment it in the imo 2.


The things that gardening will make you do for good free nutes.


Seriously tho. :joy:

I have a bucket of fpj in my garage waiting to get tossed outside to start up again. Got snow yesterday and today but forecast is well above freezing in the coming days

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Ya we are looking to warm up too this week after a couple cold days. Now it’s gonna get hot. Haha

About damn time to get this grow season going outdoors :slight_smile:


I’ve accumulated like 5 buckets outside :rofl::rofl:
But hey gotta use those kitchen scraps, parts of plants, chicken and random poops, molds, fungus and everything else that seems to fit.

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Ya I’m excited. Got a new little garden area fenced off from the chickens. So don’t have to worry about that again.

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I have a route around my town that I harvest imo from. Figure it’s better to have a variety of local to build up the soil colonies for my tasty garden veggies and fruits