Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

One in the green house and the other is outside. I just dug them up and moved them to where they are now. I was worried they would fall apart when I tried move them but they held up great. Just picked em up and set em down


Wow, that’s a busy area!! The raised bed does look great in there. It seems like such a back saving thing, lol


No idea brother, they are all from our kitchen tomatoes.
I don’t even know what that means :see_no_evil::pleading_face:

Edit: yeah, now i do…
Thank you for that awesome information brother @BeardedMech .
I now know a lot more about tomatoes than what i did yesterday lol…

But i still can’t confirm what they are though :pensive:

I’ll click the pic of the ones on the terrace this evening, you can let me know which ones i have LoL :wink:


Lol no worries! Most people don’t know the difference or about it at all. Happy to help, I learned a lot about tomatoes I er the years. Someone told me to grow maters if I want to learn how to grow weed. That was like 20 years ago and I’m just now getting into growing cannabis.


It’s all a work in progress. It’s definitely better than working the ground like I used to. I’ve been tempted to build one of those that are basically on legs but I like that my roots can go down into the ground as well. Not to mention that would dry out so fast.


Here are the ones that are on the terrace brother @BeardedMech
It started to rain today , out of nowhere LoL :smiling_face:

Im doing the opposite, I starting to slowly learn how to grow other plants lol…

@Kasper0909 my apologies for doing this in your thread brother :sweat_smile:
Yours seems much more lively than mine LoL :laughing:


Haha, it’s absolutely no problem at all. The more the merrier. :+1::+1:


I ended up ordering one of those 4x9 covers to put pots under. That double discount reeled me in. :joy::joy:
Was going to wait till next year but hey.


So the cocoa coir cloneing id say was a success. I got 4 out of 6 to root. The 2 that didn’t root had hollow damaged stems and were the smallest. Next time I will try soaking the cuts in water for a few hours before putting in cocoa and taking all larger cuts.
The 2 just put in cups.
So 2 cuts of #1 , 1 cut of 2 and 1 cut of 3


Which one did you grab?

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This one. :grin:

I don’t see anything…?

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Click the replied to post. Or the post replied to

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Dream Blush clones. #1


Afghani autos f2. The bigger one on the right is looking like it may be getting ready to show male. The bigger one on the left is showing pistils. Gonna have to chop instead of pull if male as there is another one right next to it.


Sugar belts crosses.


And the worst for last.
The Mephisto I’ve messed up pretty bad I guess. Definately gonna be stunted. But that’s OK as long as I get a few pistils to pollinate with the fem fog dog.

I think I didn’t keep the soil moist before planting as the beans struggled for a bit too. It was completely dry.


Actually best for last last.
Dream Blush almost day one of flower.

And some crazy 8 point leaves randomly.

With an interesting double seration


I’d say those look like indeterminate tomatoes


Looking very nice!

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