Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

Imo 2.
Made with jaggery sugar and a little water as it’s very dry sugar.

Now it sits for a week or 2

The growth was so thick on the rice it was almost like pulling apart carpet.
I did not include the javelina poop this round


I would seriously reconsider using pig poop(domestic or wild).
Some cultures do not eat pigs while many reasons are given it is because they carry diseases that can easily spread to humans unlike other livestock. I wonder if proper pasteurization would even kill off all of the potential pathogens through composting or otherwise but if it wasn’t heated enough it surely could transmit diseases


Live soil kinda question for you @Kasper0909… I know nothing about this stuff at all, but watching what you’re doing, and checking out some YouTube vids, I started wondering if this stuff growing on the side of my bag is the good white stuff everyone talks about…? What do you think?

It disappears like a virgin on prom night if you get close to touching it, kinda sounds like the stuff… But I don’t know.


Labs should kill any pathogens and there is plenty of that in there. I’m only guessing it’s javelina because they were spotted in this area and it looks too big for owl. But I am no poop expert.

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That looks more like salt buildup if you use salts to fertilize.

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Exclusive look under the rice. :joy:

More rice will fill that spot.
Also some of the imo 2 will get put back in when done. Just noticed the yellow that looks like what I dug up from under the pine needles.
Found the pics of bucket several months ago and couple things that went in. I don’t even remember what’s at the bottom. Probably kitchen scraps and chicken poo


Only fish poop to fertilize, and some bone meal, but that was on the bag before the bone meal…


Hmm. Not sure then. Do you use lab? I’ll have to keep an eye out on my bags. I do see a little green in there too so must be some kind of mold, bacteria or fungi. Haven’t got that deep tho yet. :rofl: still traveling down the rabbit hole.

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You could scrape some of it and throw it in agar and see if it spreads within couple of days :wink:

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Cool… What’s agar? :grin::innocent:


Wheres Steve Rinella when you need him :joy: If your not familiar with him, hes an outdoorman and at one time had a collection of poop from all different animals on different diets under glass with labels as his coffee table. I tried to find the podcast he mentioned it in but its the first thing that popped into my head.


Haha, well whatever it was It looked like a herbivore as I didn’t see any bones. :man_shrugging:

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Afghani autos both female. Now that big daddy isn’t shading them there getting full light. Kind of a redundant statement.


7 Sugar Belts crosses, 1 BCCD (Blueberry Chocolate Cherry Diesel) in the cup :rofl: only one seed was in existence.
And 2 clones of Dream Blush #1

The sugar belts crosses are
Ayahuasca purple x sugar belts
Black Velvet x pablos revenge x sugar belts by @Ottafish


A culture medium


Wicked, thank you!

I had a look at the pH down I’ve been using and it does have salt in it, so you nailed it the first time :grin::metal:


Sweet! Good to know :grin:

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Boy did I fail the Mephisto… just can’t get them going.

Almost a month old

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Dang, what do you think is the cause for these not to go? :thinking:

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Honestly I’m at a loss. Only thing I can think is their roots couldn’t make it through the mesh bag. :man_shrugging: also isn’t really that yellow but a little yellow