Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

This freaking Mushroom cluster startled me to the point of a jump scare when I lifted the flap. :rofl:


Realized I should probably thank you in your own thread, lol…

Beans arrived, thank you!!


Awesome glad they made it all that way.

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Afghani autos still vegging.

Dream Blushes few days into flower


Healthy and happy plants, good job!

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Little ones.

Afghani auto females


Lookin good!!

Watching that daily growth is so cool :grin::grin::grin:

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Ya they are stretching like crazy ATM. I went ahead and took that third one out that was down there. These two look to be filling out pretty good. :+1:

Outta like but, sweet!!

The buds on mine are starting to stack up nicely, and they are ROCK hard dense :grin: if they continue like this, they’ll be the most dense I’ve grown :grin::grin:

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Awesome that sounds great!

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Man that one got tall. Big stretch there. Mine is just starting to stretch. Main stem is short probably because of the break. But the side shoots are taller than the main stem


Ya I’m shocked at how much some of these want to stretch. Also if anyone finds funky stuff like @luxton :joy: please let me know. Can you post that pic here of that male luxton? Craziest male ever

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My females are rockin so far. There is something cool tho. On the first pic one side has two branches coming out of the stem and the other side the branch splits further down


Sugar belts crosses and stuff. Loving how these are looking, some really fat leaves in there

I’ll get more detailed with these as soon as I can move some stuff astound


Looking good! I think i messed up the afgahni pollen when i took out of the freezer. Damn condensation but i did get betty cake fem pollen to take so youll get a few amnesia cake auto fem seeds original amnesia haze x betty cake.

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Ooh that sounds rad. :+1:

Absolutely, happy to share :grin:

A bit of a photo log…

March 29th

April 2nd

April 5th

He’s in the back… He went from a total runt to way out stretching the female

April 11th
Super cropped him and moved him into his own area so I don’t pollenate my whole tent :grin:

April 20th


Awesome! Man that is just crazy. What blows me away most is that dudes desire to freakin grow! And get tall

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I think he just did not like the super cropping at all. :joy: and just bugged out with pistils.

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Me too! I don’t have a ton of experience with autos, but I really didn’t expect a bunch of stretch like this after he was fully into flower 🤷. Whatever is going on, I’m gonna keep him around for a while… He’s in my seedling area right now and I won’t need that for another month and a half or so, so it’s all his to see what he can achieve, with that tiny lil light, haha

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