Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

Actually he had pistils before it looks like maybe

He will make his own seeds on him but to my understanding those will all be male seeds. But his pollen should be mostly fem to other females. :joy: actually I have no idea on that part

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lights off, full sun. Had to take more pics.


Looking good!!

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Just don’t look past those Afghani autos to the Mephisto. :joy: I’ll be really curious tho if I can get some pistils to pollinate

Gourmet Mushroom spores from @I.am.human seem to be taking off in the substrate. Hard to take a clear pic currently and I don’t want to l leave it exposed too long. I think it’s working.

We shall see.

Those spores are healthy little suckers


Alright photo bomb coming in. Time for the good stuff.

Little JLF in there too. About 1/4 cup.
Also scratched a couple spoonfuls of flower girl on top. But bottom watering for now.


I can smell that tea all the way over here :joy:. The plants seem to be loving it though, that vibrant green is amazing.

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Actually tastes and smells like creamy banana baby food. :joy: yes I tasted it

The JLF however is straight sewage.

Baaahahahahaaha, I mean, parents usually taste what they’re babies are eating, but you’re the first I’ve heard of taking that to plants :joy::metal:

Don’t taste that… Or at least, don’t admit it if you do :joy::joy:

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Well when your concocting stuff I just can’t help it haha the jlf tho I will not venture there. But I can almost guarantee it would not hurt you. Almost

Hahaha I dunno man, “left hand = my drink, right hand = plant drink” :grin::joy:

If it’s coming out smelling like creamy bananas, I’m not going to lie, I’m pretty sure I’d be tasting it too, haha

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A little zam express from @RainToday coming up.

Birthed in the wild. So lots of dangers lurking. Already been chewed on. There is some help around (her) tho with the clovers and flax.


Actually got a kambucha starter to make your own kambucha ferments (probably spelled wrong) but not sure yet what to ferment. Too many rabbit holes currently. :joy:

Woohoo! They seem to be tasty seedlings :wink: even in my indoor room stuff has eaten some of mine.


lol! I worked with someone who had a kombucha jar… jug… giant freakin glass thing, lol. It always looked SOOOO appetizing, hahaha… I never had the guts to try it, lol

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Ya seems like it’s one of those things that are terrible till you get used to it then you can’t live without. :joy: my favorite ones are the ones with ginger. So ginger growing time!

See, I’ve gotta be out right there… I have red hair, so it’d be a little cannibal action going on… :wink:

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Gingers should like ginger is only natural. :joy:

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