Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

early morning shrooms.


Afghani autos f2 are monsters.


How are the Dream Blush plants doing?

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Cool cool man, I’m not super stressed, if they’ve gone “missing”, I hope the post office worker grows some fire, lol

Edit: that said, I AM looking forward to the seeds! The Afghani in growing from you is still the most dense bud I’ve ever grown, and I’m still a month and a half from it being ready! :grin::grin::grin:


So glad you asked. :joy: they are being a pleasure to grow. 2 weeks of flower

Number 3 is the frostiest so far(back left) but they are all getting some good Frost


Ya its been almost 2 months so I’ll definately get you some more sent.

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Ahh, deadly, thank you!!

My Afghani is rockin it btw :grin::metal:. Nice hard nugs and there’s still a month and a half or so to go :grin::grin:. Although, the rest of my garden is getting pretty big, so she might have to finish in 12/12


Those beauties are looking great!

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They all have the creamy sugar earth smell reminiscent of the Blue dreams. But #1 (back right) (more yellow) is so so strong creamy and sweet with some berries.

Slowly removing fan leaves to open them up.


Sugar belts crosses all the sudden want to be jurassic. The leaves are freaking already big


Dude, ur Tomatoes look so amazing.

Is it possible to grow few tomatoes without any problems on the balcony?
Please, dont spit on me… Iam a indoor guy :smiley:

I mean delicious ones? This picture reminded me, that i really wanted to grow some tomatoes and strawberrys.


checking out cloning in just a jar of water with an in flower clone. Going good I see 1 fat root node so far.


I’d imagine you could, just have to keep it trimmed up and do allot of pinching back longer branches

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I grew three different kinds of cherry tomatoes on my deck without a problem… Get them growing up a tomato cage (and like @Kasper0909 said, trimmed) and you’re laughing :grin::metal:.

I’m an indoor grower too, those tomatoes are the only thing I’ve ever kept alive in dirt 🤦😂

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I’ve always had brutal luck with cloning, even when using the coming powder! 🤦

I’m curious how that’s going to go for ya!

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Thanks, that plant was nothing compared to this one.

You can grow tomatoes anywhere as long as you have large enough container. Tomatoes are heavy feeders and require steady watering and feeding. On a patio your best best are determinate verieties as they stay short and bushy compared to indeterminate which grow as a vine. Most determinate plants will produce smaller tomatoes, cherry and grape tomatoes are almost always determinate plants, but there are plenty of verietys out there that are larger. Not quite sandwich slicer, size two slices on a sandwich would do.


@Kasper0909 you hit any of them autos with that FOG DOG pollen !?

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That’s not to say you couldn’t grow an indeterminate plant though. Would require a little more training and pruning. I prefer indeterminate plants. I enjoy pruning and training them to get maximun quality and yield per square foot.

Not yet im getting close tho. Maybe 1 more week on the afghanis.

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I need a scratch n sniff screen for my phone