Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

Tbh the past three pollinations I hit them once it did the trick but if you wanna hit them multiple times feel free :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Awesome to see the pollen be put to good use !


Ya thinking I want to get a few more bud sites pollinated. The pollen looked great. Dry and poofy. :+1:

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Looking green, man! Keep it up.

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Thank you! And welcome! :facepunch:

Alright last clone for a bit haha. This clone is from Dream Blush#3 had pretty long roots so popped her in soil. I guess I shoulda taken a photo.
Not sure if this will monster crop or not add it was in flower. Should be cool regardless. She was cloned in just sink water and a dash of root hormone at the beginning. Still had the one root node with two long roots coming out. I’d call it a success.

Is about 14 days since snip taken.


Dream Blush day 23F
Trimmed them up a couple days ago. Much more opened up now.

Been full blasting them with light for the last week so gonna slow down for a few days and give them a break.


Looking great in there. I can smell it through the phone


Zam express in the wild outdoors.


Afghani Auto f2

AA f2 volunteers didn’t grow as big in this reused soil. Not sure why. But ended up with 3 females.

Little Mephisto Creme tasmo going into flower


Lookin great!!

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Thank you! :facepunch:

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Amazing! I’m definitely gonna have to give those a try again soon.lol. After I murder 3+ seeds/seedlings of a strain I usually back off for a bit. Superstition I suppose idk just what my gut feels. Anyways I can’t wait those a great.


Haha. That’s why we have lots of seeds.:joy: if you need more of those Afghani autos please just lemme know, I still have a bunch. Like a thousand.


Sugar belts crosses by @Ottafish

Waiting on gender.
These want to be trees :deciduous_tree:


How old are these tall ones now?

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Just checked. 46 days since sprouted.

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Nice!! They’re definitely getting tall, eh??

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So i got a couple Ultimate Autos from dutch passion seed company i believe and wow! I dropped one to see and of course i overwatered and stunted but she is a grower! Looking like a 2ouncer right now but at least 3 weeks so gonna pack it on! This seems like a good strain to add yield to a strain.


I’ve heard amazing things about Dutch passion seed Co, very nice!!


Wow that girl is stacked. Heck yes she looks really good. :heart_eyes: seriously that is a beauty

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