Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

Looking healthy bro! They could use a little more light and they’ll get more bushy if it’s possible. Thats a key thing for plants, very important to get the best out of them, Put those babies right into the ground if you want big girls! Just dig a foot down or build a bed and make a 8’ circle lol. What part of the country are you in? I probably already asked but I forgot.

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Ok… it’s been awhile since I’ve been on here and I read down to your next update. Damn they re definitely blowing up! Get those in the ground as soon as your climate allows and get the roots going. You’re going to have some monsters! I’ve messed around with deep soil and it’s definitely better to have more lateral space than deep. Definitely don’t need more than 18”-2’. Then a thick mulch layer or cover crop would be good to help hold in moisture. I swear too, when my cover crops start thriving is when my plants just explode. I believe it brings the soil to life. Bacteria, fungi, and other beneficials start breaking down nutrients. Maybe it’s something nobody even knows about. All I know is it is beneficial !)


In Arizona dry and hot. Ya I’ve had low light this round in the greenhouse. Everything is a little stretchy

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Ya I love the cover crops for outside. I just need to figure out a good way to incorporate them for indoors. :joy: dang those are monsters!

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Dream Blush day 32f just got rid of extra leaves on the other two.


Outta likes, looking great!!

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Thank you. They are smelling freaking beautiful!!

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Blue oyster spawn mixed in leaf/ ground clutter mulch…

This was from the Mushroom block and one cluster of mushrooms broken up and mixed in.


I’m betting that doesn’t smell quite as good as the plants :wink::grin:

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Actually it smells like fresh earth. Has a very good smell. Only thing that stinks is the JLF thing. Everything else either smells sweet, vinegar, or earthy.

Blue oyster spawn from @I.am.human .
1 container looking good the other im not sure the green is a good thing.

These were from just spores
These just smell like coffee grounds

Actually the green looks like trichoderma, into the imo bucket it goes as it is still a beneficial.

Not seeing any contamination in the first container.
Also looks to be pinning maybe.

I think @420noob is a Mushroom expert. Love to get your input also


Right on, true living soil I guess, eh? Your plants definitely show you’re on to something, that’s for sure!

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Alright got to dig threw the substrate and other than the contamination I would say that container was a success. Mycelium growing throughout even on the bottom.

Should continue to grow in the imo bucket.

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Green is usually tricaderma( spelled wrong) it’s great for composting but is horrible for mycelium.


I found basil to be a fantastic companion plant. The cannabis doesn’t even seem to notice its there. Pulling them up, I noticed the basil had shallow roots with a very small root ball even when it was a large plant. In larger pots planted around the perimeter it occupies an area of soil that the cannabis isn’t doing much in.
In contrast, I think the borage relative I tried competes and stunts the cannabis, and the beans seem to be too close a relative - they got diseased and I don’t want that passed back and forth between them and the cannabis. Bell peppers are super happy with the “waste” light down below the cannabis, but didn’t grow well up in the main pot with it. Rye grass seems okay as a companion, but has a tendency to take over and is hard to remove without disturbing the cannabis. I want to try marigolds, but I’ve had no success sprouting them.


You just reminded me I don’t have basil growing, gonna pop some in with my outside cannabis cuz that sounds like a great idea. I believe your right about some companions competing especially with autos. I don’t think they are as much of a problem with photos but definately something to watch. My beans had problems growing in most of my pots with cannabis not sure why. Clover seems to work very well along side and also vetch.

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What kind of clover? Red annual, or those trailing invasive white ones, or?

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This is the cover crop mix I use. Very good mix.

Flax - Carter
Clover - Yellow Sweet
Clover - White Dutch
Clover - Medium Red
Clover - Crimson
Lentils - Indianhead
Millet - White Proso
Vetch - Hairy
Vetch - Common
Cowpeas - Red Ripper
Buckwheat - Mancan
Pea - forage

I think it was from build a soil. A small bag has lasted me a while


:rofl: I think I have the same one. Or at least very similar. I tried it in the indoor pots and thought it took over too much. Reminds me I ought to try it in the catio area though, along with the grass and rye. Hairy vetch is such a gorgeous plant! :heart_eyes:

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Ya I think trimming it as a mulch cover works best with that mix . In pots I usually sift out the bigger seeds and just use the tiny ones. But your right it pops up fast and takes over. I need to trim it more too, I always let it just grow. And ya the Vetch is pretty rare in those seeds but man is it pretty.

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