Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

These Strawberry plants are crazy looking.


Oh damn, I want to see the fruit from those… Hopefully leaf size = fruit size (I’m sure there’s an inappropriate joke about Adam and Eve in there somewhere 🤦), unlike rhubarb… Man was that a disappointment the first year, lol

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They have a few berries on them I shoulda taken a pic. They are nice big strawberries. Visiting the rhubarb rabbit hole now. :joy:

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Pretty sure I sent you some crinkle leaf basil seeds I grew out last year. Taste is a bit different than regular basil. It’s kinda sweet smelling. I like the way the leaves look, fun plant stand super easy to grow.

@RainToday I typically put basil in-between plants in my raised beds and then bush beans all around the edge of the bed. I also grew mammoth dill right next to two plants and they all did really well. Dill is a great companion plant to tomatoes and cucumbers. I noticed the beans near my cannabis didn’t as well as the others well but the cannabis did fine as far as I could tell. I had some pepper plants overshadowed by the cannabis but still put out plenty of peppers. I’d keep trying the marigolds though. I sprouted two flats and already planted a couple. It was my first time sprouting my own, they didn’t give me much trouble. Maybe it’s an environmental thing? You definitely have a green thumb, I’d figure marigolds would be easy peasy for you. But I also don’t know squat about flowers.


Well, I did mostly try the marigolds by dumping large quantities of old seeds directly into the garden, I can probably do better :wink: :rofl:


I forgot you sent me basil :joy: I used some Lemon basil seeds I had.
Marigolds are easy to grow for sure I just never get them planted, should be sprouting them first haha. I’ve noticed a few volunteers here and there coming up from last year’s plants.
This year on all my seeds and flowers I pretty much just tossed them willy nilly in little nooks and cranys. But like last year I ended up buying a six pack of marigolds. :thinking:

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1 male sugar belts down.


No worries! I just sent it because I thought it was an interesting plant. I had some thai basil next to it. I’m not sure if basil can cross pollinate but some of the seedlings resemble all the smooth pointed leaves of the thai basil. Different scent than the crinkle leaf ones too.

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Afghani autos. I think about 2 weeks flower. Just gave them a good feed and switched the light to be able to raise it. It’s getting pretty hot in the greenhouse even with the swamp cooler.


Sunflowers, Dream Blush clone #3 and a flower :grin:


Damn those look good!!!

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Ya I love sunflowers :joy: jk thank you

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That actually made me lol :grin:

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How tall are they??


Realy really like that tall one. The bud structure looks great. Just crazy vigor too

I’ll measure in a bit. I think they are both over 3ft maybe.


And I was happy with my 18" cola… I’m going to have to give these another shot right after my current girl is done (as if I wasn’t going to have a continuous grow going of them anyway :grin:)

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They are crazy touchy I believe and will herm under led light stress. The males especially.
The other three in the volunteer container are just over a foot tall and I figured those would do better. But the Mephistos did worse in the same soil so who knows🤷‍♂️ just totally baffling. Autos don’t make sense to me.


I think its that “autos” is too diverse to be a single category. Especially after seeing how differently your afghanis wanted to be treated, I think that expecting autoflowers all to have similar water, nutrient, and light needs because they share the trait of day-neutral flowering is a fallacy.

Most have been purposefully bred away from the other ruderalis traits for many generations now, in favor of the traits of domestic cannabis plants, so I think we need to approach them more like we do the diversity of photoperiod strains - some will be like landraces and want lower nutrients, others will need a mountain of nitrogen, etc.


Ya for sure. Add to that touchy. :joy: