Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

Just noticed this mushroom growing in the greenhouse where the afghani pot drains. Thought it was a rock, sprayed the dirt off the top when I touched it and it was soft. Looks like it’s been here for a bit if that’s chicken bites outta it.

Very big and dense with pink inside.
Figured I’d go all in.
It’s so beautiful.

That’s not chickens eating it… look in there! :rofl: they’re loving that mushroom


Dream Blush #2 coming down in the morning.

Here’s 1 and 3


That looks excellent!

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Looking fantastic! Great work on those.

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Thank you and @BeardedMech . May take number one also just to mix it up but three looks to me to need a couple more days. Plus I gotta line forming outside the flower tent. :rofl: what do you guys think?

2 of the 4 Outside dream Blush seriously look early flower. I’ve had this happen last year… maybe because of the sunrise/ sunset blockage I have here?

Dream Blush #1 leaf.
Been a little hot


Oh man, yeah it does look like preflower, eh? Are you able to raise her up at all? Maybe get more direct sun?

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No. Unfortunately. I have a huge mountain from the north to the west haha

Hrmm, can you move it forward? It looks like there’s sun closer to where you’re taking the pic, or are you stealthing it?

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I think it’s just showing preflowers because it’s sexually mature. It will keep doing that until it goes into full flower in late August or early September.


Ya your probably right.

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They’ve been on 12/12 for 65 days, since March 27. I’d say you’re in the harvest window. The BD(JD6) mom of the Dream6 had 70 to 84 days flower time. I imagine the Blue Kush influence has tamed that a little.

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Awesome! I’m glad someone is keeping track. :rofl: I never know when to start counting flower. At start of 12/12 or at start of showing. :+1:

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Got this cheap little cloner. Should make it easier, also this is a bubbler not a sprayer I believe as I have really realy hard water. I figured a sprayer would get clogged too fast.


And then there was 1 or Dream Blush#3. She was the only one wanting water, the other two were still wet after watering two days ago.

I need to work on trimming up the bottoms early to get rid of the smaller sites before flower. Actually the sugar belts crosses should be pretty trimmed up.


DB clone #3 recovered from chicken torture. :grimacing:


Afghani autos trimmed up a little, still got a ways to go.

Yes that is a very tall grass. :rofl:


@Kasper0909 about how many days from sprout to harvest on the Afghani autos?

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You have trichs stacked on trichs in there! :grin::metal::metal:

Frickin beautiful

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They’re 90 days from sprout, mine is at day 82 right now… The minutes are taking hours at this point :joy:

Edit: 90ish :grin: