Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

I could inject some silver into one of her nah that would be a mess

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The BD(JD6) was the cut of a Blue Dream S1 I selfed to make the Dream6 seeds. I think Dream Blush seeds were made on a female Dream6 plant, yes?


Ah yes. That’s right

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This just kinda snuck up on me, wasn’t expecting to see that. I really want to reverse the number 3 db in the greenhouse and hit #1 and #2 or reverse #2 but I’m not sure now at least on these 2 #1s. Soooo decisions decisions. I’m just not sure I can not pollinate at least a couple branches with something. :rofl:


I made my cloner as well. I have a 3 & 5 gal for the transferable lid size. I start in a 3 and keep the water table high just below cuttings with a couple airstones in keeping the cuts moist from the bubbles popping. I add some clonex to the mix but have read straight water has strong results as well. Once roots established with longer roots I switch off to the 5 gal and switch to veg nutes and off to the races. Super easy honestly I didn’t measure or adjust anything just put a cap full in the water and closed the lid up. Lazy tek bubble cloner on my part.

It cost me 4-5$ for the buckets and a couple bucks for the airstones. 3 dollars for the air pump which I got from the 2nd hand store and had the clonex already.


The clonex is something I’m having a hard time finding, not that I’ve looked super-extensively… I’m dropping in rooting powder, but I find the ends of the branches are staying too wet and dying on me… Lots fiddle time ahead, lol

Alright YOLO.

She bled a little. Broke the first needle, kinda scary messing with those things. Finally got a couple good insertions inside the hollow stem. One leaked out about 8 inches up the stem. This was just 100 MG silver nitrate mixed in water. If it works since nothing else is flowing this shouldn’t be too messy.


Dream Blush #3

This little guy got too deep. He’s straight slurping one of those trich heads.Best I can do holding that thing and keeping stable.


Oohhh that’s frustrating, I bet he had a great time after though, haha

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He slurped till his body shriveled up.

So weed HAS killed :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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He just bit off more than he could chew. :man_shrugging:

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It’s about to break 100° here over the next couple days so I’m gonna have to chop her in the morning and get the sugar belts crosses inside. As much as i know a few more days to a week on here would be great. I wonder if I could finish her up in the greenhouse actually.


Ahh mother nature messing when our plans again!

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get some full sun for a few days.

That is her clone underneath.
Also carrying her out there my face was right in her branches and she smells just like a Christmas tree.


How far are the cuts from the water? If it’s staying to wet just opt out of the rooting powder on the cut and crush up a couple asprin and add it to the water just watch your ph as it will adjust it a bit. Asprin has salicylic acid to assist with root growth


@Fortman420 they’re about a foot away, but sprayers come on for 1 minute every 5, I think I need to change that to 1/10.

Aspirin, really? I had no idea… Just the little 82mg “do t have a heart attack” ones? I’ve been putting a tsp of the rooting powder in the water… 🤷


I’ll be able to speak in cloning terms soon. My little cloner gets here tomorrow. :+1:


I happen to catch this on a variety of different videos and write ups on cloning methods and the very same aspirin kept being talked about. Quite something really.

I couldn’t see why that wouldn’t work. For my system with the disk airstone the popping bubbles lightly wet the cuts not a complete soaking. Perhaps temp of the water had some part of that. I run these in my basement and at first had the bucket sitting on the concrete floor but nothing was happening so I placed a couple 2x4 underneath to get it off the cement and roots showed up a week later. The water was just too cold 14-15°. When I checked the temp of water 24 hrs later I was 18°. Warm enough for the plants root to drink.

My bubble buckets temp sit between 16-18° (depending on if my Mrs has turned on the AC)


Ya apparently aspirin is like a growth hormone I’ve heard too.