Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

I will have a next round of cuts being taken this week so will try 2 different buckets 1 with asprin and the other with clonex and document the progress on my 3x3 grow page.


Sweet, I’ll go setup a chair on that thread🤘


Two in the back Ayahuasca purple x sugar belts
Two up front Black Velvet x pablos revenge x sugar belts
These are by @Ottafish

Started These off hard with the sewer water :rofl: shit stinks.
Sprayed them pretty good with neem oil last night outside so hopefully too many bugs didn’t come in.
Gonna take some lowers off the bottoms of the front two but other than that they should be ready for instant flower mode. :+1:


I started a jadam bucket the other day for shits and giggles. I don’t think I can bring myself to use sewage and poop though. :joy:


It will still smell like sewage even without the poop. :rofl: that’s awesome tho your plants will love it. If you have any questions lemme know. :+1:

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Also that freaking grass right there is gold for that bucket get a couple handfuls of that tall bushy grass, also any mushrooms you find. If the stink is ever too much for you or more likely your wife you can always add LABs to make it not. Also the tips of any plants growing vigorously to capture those growth hormones.

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Dude that grass. We don’t see that much in Arizona :rofl: can you ship me some… seriously tho it looks like you have the good stuff there.


Lol my weed Wacker took a crap so I have grass about 3 foot tall around the pool and fence. Got it all working now, but I can’t find where I put the two rolls of string I just bought! I did add a bunch of grass and weeds I pulled. Also all the trimmings form my plants and a bunch of leaves from last fall went in there as well. I used rain water that collected in a wheel barrow with some dead plants in it. The water stunk like sewage so I figured it was perfect! :joy: I’m sure I’ll have some questions for you!


Nice. That rain water and wheel barrow rain water should be perfect, should be full of microbes. Next I go hunting in the yard for beefy local microorganisms, pretty much anything fuzzy or decaying like stumps tho I try and keep any red greens or blues to a minimum. That leaf mycelium is the best tho. Wherever you see your yard growing the best that is where they are the strongest. Any plants/ weeds that are absolutely thriving in your area you want that in your bucket.

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Got it. I’ll keep an eye out on the trail when we take the dog for a walk too. There’s a pond near by with all types of good stuff. How long till it’s ready to use and how do I use it ? :laughing:

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Those look great man! Super healthy and good size already. I usually strip them the same. Do you hang a 1st net? You could bend those out quite a bit I bet. Maybe you plan on it idk. I like to run two nets if possible. One for training and one to support some plants after the buds get heavy.

What dosage are you guys using per gallon for the Jadam nasty water. I have some I’ve been aging I made from hops which are closely related to cannabis. Also bamboo shoots from the back yard. Also added oyster shells for calcium and to possibly keep the PH more in range. I’ve added other duff and stuff that’s super good over the years. It just smelled like hops for like a year and a half but now it smells so nasty holy shit.


That’s what’s in your beard !!! Haha

I started using mine after a couple months but it just gets stronger and stronger. I still add water and material when I gets down there but after a few weeks it will be pretty active with the microbes. I started out small like a 1/4 cup per gallon. This last one I used about a 1/2 cup per gallon, I still use some Dr earth dry amendments and they work really well together as the JLF breaks it down faster. Usually a couple spoonfuls per pot as that stuff has lots of good stuff also.

I probably won’t get too fancy as I don’t function very well and have to do everything in baby steps and gymnastics in the tent isn’t in the cards. :rofl:
I have used a net on a Jack Herer before.


Sugar belts crosses loveing the new humidity.

Had to remove several of these little guys. Which I had to have someone else catch them but they come all the way to the top so easy to spot.

Still have a couple feet of leeway.


Just received some stamps so I’ll start some wiki action here in the next couple days.:facepunch::grin:

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My Mrs’ daughter had a bearded dragon for a while, and was really not very good with keeping the crickets contained. I was relatively calm about it, until I heard 2 IN my tent, then the hunt was on! Lol


Everything’s looking great, bro!

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Ya its too bad they are so loud cuz im pretty sure they would be good for your grow area, but they will drive you batty!!

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Thank you for your kindness! And welcome!