Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

Looks like it could be botrytis or whatever

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Looks like a fungal infection maybe? I’d get some spray. I started using Purecrop1 last year because I saw a lot of recommendations for it on reddit. Stuff hass been fantastic in my garden last year and this year. It seems to help with most fungal issues and some pests. Days it’s good for fungus gnats, spider mites aphids ect. I can say I’ve seen a large decrease in bugs for the most part with regular applications and haven’t had powdery mildew last year or this year yet. My greenhouse is humid as hell and I haven’t had a single brown leaf on my tomatoes. I mix it in with my BT at about half strength and spray everything.


Ya I removed all affected leaves and foliared with LABs and imo turned down the light as that was weakening them with the heat lately. We shall see. :+1: I’m pretty sure your right on the fungus.


Mmm tomatoes. These are perfect sandwich size


Man I’m jealous! I’m still waiting for mine to ripen. They’re huge though, my Emmy lou tomatoes are bigger than my first!
I refuse to eat a tomatoe until mine come in. My wife brought home store bought tomatoes for a tomatoe sandwich. I concidered divorce for a moment.



Ewww, store bought tomatoes! :nauseated_face:
Haha, seriously tho the tomatoes these days.

Same with freaking jalapeños. I call them bellpenos cuz they just taste like bell peppers


Almost want to top this thing. :rofl: can’t wait to see the pollinators that visit this sunflower. It’s about 6 ft

Millet looks so cool in the garden and the chickens will love it.


Sugar belts crosses. Had to back off the light a bit.
:rofl: pics soon
Alright her we go.


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I know seriously :rofl: I do think they were light stressed in the back tho.


Pretty bee.


Fascinating… Never seen anything like it.
Thank you for sharing.

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black soldier fly

And 2 stages of their larva


I believe this is a big black carpenter bee.

Very fuzzy honey bee, hard to capture. There are also a few beatiful bumble bees cruising around I’d really like to get a pic of.


Certainly looks like a carpenter bee. The ones eating my deck are yellow with black beehinds. I’ve grown to love them. Their just so stupid. Their interesting bees. The females bore tunnels into wood to nest. They lay eggs on a ball of nectar and wax and wood they make and seal it off. The eggs hatch and eat the food from the ball then have to burrow there way out. While the female is doing this you’ll see the male bee posted outside nearby. These sentry bees fly around in a very distinct pattern. You can set a watch to it. They fly around in a perimeter, stopping in the same spots each time to survey the area before moving on. They do this all the while the female is preparing the nest to protect her. They are mostly harmless. I’ve never been stung. When you get in their path they just bump into your head until you leave. It’s kinda funny really.

I had an old wood gazebo at my old house that the bees made their home. I would get high and just watch the bees. It was fun to see them make their rounds. They’d swing by and stare at me for a bit then take off on their route. Always busy, always something to do.


Also very interesting is that the way they lay their eggs in the tunnel, the very last eggs to be laid, are the first to open. The first eggs laid are the last to hatch.


Crazy. Ya they’ve drilled a couple spots. One right in the chicken coop. They love the weeds around here and also they are fans of tobacco flowers. They cut through the base of the flower and suck the nectar out as they are long and skinny like honey suckle.

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I did not know that. I wonder how that happens. I wish they would t eat my deck. I love them but they’re a bit of a nuisance. The home Depot by my house has the largest carpenter bee …colony?.. Whatever you would call it. It’s a giant wood pergola just riddled with holes. Literally hundreds flying around. I remember I was was trying to calm this lady down who was freaking out about the bees. I tried telling her they’re harmless and walked into a swarm of them and they just flew into me and flew off. She wasn’t amused.


Ya I think the males are stingerless. Only the females can sting you but they are pretty chill too. I’ve never been bothered by them. They are like heavy bees that bump into everything as they cruise around.


So I had something burrowing down in one of my pots in the greenhouse, was like hollowing out the middle of the grow bag. Had no idea what it was so set up a camera last night.
