Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

32 days of 12/12 on the sugar belts crosses by @Ottafish . Still a little damage from whatever but recovering nicely.

Ap x sb clone (purple) in soil now and doing good.

The BV x PR x SB up front has no issues at all stayed perfectly healthy. Another reason I believe it was the light and heat.


Rotten bastards. Somebody needs a rat snake. :laughing:

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I’ve eradicated three with the large traps. Much bigger than him. If he’s a pack rat he’s just a little guy. Freaking cute tho. If you’ve ever read the secret of Nimh you’d understand. :rofl:
But they keep getting into boxes in the shed and making nests, and they collect the dumbest crap like rocks and chicken shit.


A friendly butterfly.


I had a vole infestation last year. I talked to an exterminator. He told me he wouldnt even take my money to try and get rid of them. I said poisons won’t work and if they do they die and rot somewhere you don’t want them or the dog eats them and gets sick. He said he would have to come every day for months to get rid of them. Told me they’re dumb as shit, just set old school mouse traps at there holes and in their runs. They run the same paths every day and won’t think twice about the traps. I was getting 3-4 every day it until they stopped. Haven’t seen one this year yet.


I was wondering if it was a mole actually. Thought it might be a lizard too. But this guy every once in a while chops a lower branch off and drags it off. Hasn’t done it in a while but was wondering if something was making a nest outta weed branches.




Flowers :bouquet: all looking :eyes: great bro :sunglasses:! :clap::clap::clap::blush::wink::crazy_face::ok_hand::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Note to self. Heat is great for germinating, not so great for seedlings. Fried them a bit.


This little cloner is actually working pretty good.


5 weeks 12/12
Sugar belts crosses.

Starting to put out some fresh pistils after their brush with heat stroke.:grimacing:


They look really good!


Those sugar belts are living up to their name. Definitely looks sugar coated. Great work. What does your feeding schedule look like? Are you still using Dr earth on those? I’m still struggling to find the sweet spot I think.


I don’t have a set feeding schedule. Still figuring it out. Few spoon fulls of doctor earth mixed in every month or so. Mostly fed with JLF. I’ll do little things here and there like today I added 1 spoon full of blackstrap to 3 gallons of water just to feed the soil I use allot of Lactobacillus and mess with ferments too. Starting to figure out other ways to mulch dry, wet, use chicken poo.

Here’s my latest and this is something every organic gardener should research. Honestly it will blow your mind how much easier and better than regular worm farming this is…
Black soldier fly larva composting …

These are first instar


Thank you!! And thanks for stopping by!! :+1:

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Always thinking :thinking: outside the box :package:! :clap::tophat::clap::tophat::+1::wink::facepunch::ok_hand::partying_face::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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Man, not going to lie, your feed box creeps me out - lol - but damn do your plants ever love it!! You’re definitely onto a winning formula my friend!! :metal:

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Greenhouse pics.


Ya the BSF larva is probably mostly for converting waste into protein and fat for the chickens but their will be some frass remaining and they produce a nice nutrient rich liquid that drains into the bottom bucket through holes in the bottom of the top bucket, then added to the liquid fertilizer bucket. Not too different than an earth worm farm.
There are also a few holes around the rim where the last stage of larvae can crawl out and self feed the chickens. If it works well I’ll give more details but so far it seems good. :grin:


My goal is to basically no brain auto pilot as much as possible as it’s hard for me to get around.