Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

I’m definitely gonna go bananas especially after just winning some blue kush pollen from Doug. Wonder how a banana kush/blue kush strain would be…

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The couple bud sites I hit with the male lpc pollen looks like are loading up with seeds.

And the other budd sites are looking good too

unseeded vs seeded. Good comparison or vice versa
We are at 4 weeks now


Shoreline seems more hungry. Gave her a little jobes chicken poop stuff.


Can someone enlighten me. I’m pretty sure I caused this issue from over watering, but the 4 seedlings on the left have been that size for a bit so much so that the other two I planted 2 weeks after are the same size now.



Ah, that’s a cute lil Easter egger

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Wyandotte I think she’s called. Ya gold laced Wyandotte



To answer your question above, some plants take a little longer getting their feet/roots under them before growing upwards. You can take 10 seeds, from the same bud and get different pheno’s from each seed :v:t4:


Thank you for your reply. They still haven’t grown haha. I’m not going to really spend any more time on them. I believe it was the soil, I never really could get them to dry out. I have a couple lpc started for the challenge and a couple banana kush fems. I’ll just veg the crap outta them. Been busy with new chickens and spring garden lately, so a little behind in the weed department.

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Those are cool looking birds when they grow up, had I seen it’s back that woulda def been easier to name, the Easter eggers/ameruncanas are def very distinct with their colors and ringhaha

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Ya they are looking cool and such a pleasure to watch when they are little. I am just learning about them but they are a super interesting little critters.

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Haha they can be, did u get pullets or straight run? If it’s tractor supply it don’t matter,u got straight run hahaha

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Yea pullets supposedly, and ya tractor supply haha. My neighbor got two roosters outta 8 pullets so we’ll see.

Sounds about right! I ended up with some nice and friendly studs when I got em though, the more human interaction and holding em the less they will be dicks

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Here are the banana kush fems


I’ve been holding them constantly lol :baby_chick:

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I’ve never seen a tri leaf pepper starting out. Maybe it’s a normal thing tho.


Just dropped
3 sheberghan x balkh from @Upstate .
1 snowhigh 74 Punta cometa oaxacan from @Tejas

4 Odisha Valley from @Budderton

Should be an interesting summer as these are probably going to be outside. I know im a little late in the season but should be more manageable. :v:


Ur right on the sweet spot of planting, middle of May is the deadline, ur a month ahead of the game!
I’ll be watching!

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