Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

Aphids really love vetch, so if you plant that you’ll fix extra nitrogen in your soil as well and keep them away from other plants. Bumble bees love the flowers and you get some beans to eat as well.


That’s a good guard just snatching up all the bugs

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Ya there’s vetch in there, it’s part of the cover crop mix. Though I didn’t know aphids loved it. Also didn’t know vetch was a bean.

Vetch comes in very different forms, I’m talking about field vetch, they have a strong upright stem and thick relatively big leaves and flowers growing from that main stem.
White, pinkish flowers. Smells similar to tulips.

There’s other creeping vetch that has tentacles, small dark purple flowers and very small leaves held together in arrays. They have very small bean pods and beans.

It is the thick juicy field vetch that is very attractive to aphids, and caterpillars as well.


Ya the vetch in this mix looks like the small climbing vetch. Not allot in the mix I’ve noticed. Gonna have to get some seeds from the couple growing as it’s a really pretty flower. And super beneficial. Ya and these have those tentacles

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So you think plant vetch away from plants & they’ll stay over there?

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Or even right next to.

My theory is the more options pests have the less they bug your plants. And the more predators are drawn too.

Also sticky pads are nice for gnats, which haunt me constantly. But I think as long as they have stuff to chew on they don’t seem to bother the roots to much


Outside I’m trying to grow some milkweed and dill which should bring lots a predators and keep the moths away. Caterpillars are the worst. And those horn worms are just as bad

In the tent tho I currently have nothing so we will see if I get a pest explosion :unamused:

Also I have this, part of the LABS rabbit hole.
Just some potatoe slices, some moldy leaf, pinch of sea salt and water. Put in a container and let sit a couple days and is supposed to be a good pest management! Diluted and sprayed on the plants!

Little bit of everything. Somethings working haha I think.


This shoreline og is pretty great. Very potent fuel smell. Reminds me allot of the Jack Herer I grew last year


Gnat larvae stay in the shallow topsoil so they are not much of a threat to plants that are well past sprouting stage. They tend to disappear when you water fabric pots from the bottom, letting the topsoil dry out.

And yes, sow the field vetch right next to your cannabis, mix it all up, the more diversity the healthier the entire eco system.


Went ahead and topped this girl twice.


So watering practices with seedlings. I’ve got some day old seedlings in 1/2 gal nursery bags. Just water around the edges & then just a few drops near the stem? Or no water at all near stem. I suck at watering & merc’d the last batch lol

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Best I’ve found is have super fluffy soil that dries out quick for seedlings. They seem to get messed up if they sit in water. I usually try to let dry after it germinates and pokes its head, then only water after completely dry. If you have the right soil it’s much easier. Then when you up pot them I try to just start circling outwards with my watering. I’ve been starting to not soak when they are young, just give them a ring of water as wide as the leaves outward. But I really think high coco coir or peat moss type soils is best for the germination and young plants. Anything that is going to keep that water from suffocating those roots. Just what I’m trying currently and it seems to be working better. The Wall Mart pro mix in the yellow bag is super cheap and has been really good for small plants and germination.


Been using bobcat pee in a water bottle with a few holes in it and small critters and deer stay 100 yards away in every direction. I miss the chipmunk I used to feed but he was after my tomatoes. The deer I do not miss they ate everything without mercy,


In our veg garden there’s a whole family living in an old stump, they’re always hunting in the beds when we go out there in the morning


Cool man thanks! I did Happy Frog & added 25% perlite. Plus i switched from solo cups to a 1/2gal nursery bag, the kind roots can poke through. So it should dry out real easy now. Ill take your advice, now that the heads poked up (today) ill let them dry out.

I have my 480w light up at 24" & 20% (lowest power). Should I go 24/0 for the first few days to keep the temp up, or go ahead & switch to 18/6?

I suck at seedlings, im better with veggers :rofl:

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I had really good luck with the fox farm through the whole process had to cut back expenses but ya I think I just added a little perlite. Ya I’m finally getting a little better with seedlings. My first grow was in fox farm, and I started the seeds right in the 5 gallon pots and just circle watered. They turned out great.

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I would raise your power, you’d be surprised how much light a seedling can take. I’d start at at least 50 percent at 2 feet or everyday bump it up a little And either way on the light schedule. I Usually do 18/6 but 24/0 seems to work just fine too. 480 watt light wow that’s a beast. That’s about twice my power maybe 20 percent is fine to start haha.
Also I’ve found that the manufactures recommendations are usually on point.

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Nice! Thanks for the tips dude. I cranked it back up to 25%. Tomorrow ill go 30, or lower it. Damn the torpedoes!


Ya these lizards are everywhere around here. I think there are 2 or 3 in the greenhouse, tho one died in a cup which I have since removed. Saw one tackle and swallow a pretty large moth.

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