Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

Also I seem to suck at flowering for some reason, just can’t get the feed right usually.

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I heard bobcat pee works really good for keeping animals away. We had a skunk under the shed but I think he’s gone


Hey how many days do you suggest keeping a humidity dome on seedlings once they pop up?

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Well I don’t really use humidity domes. I used to use the bottoms of water bottles until they were too big to fit under them, but if it’s in a tent you should be able to get the tent to 60 percent at least. But outside it is what it is. I know it’s important but not necessary

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I mean if you have one use it, and you can keep them in there pretty much as long as they fit id imagine

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Ahh I didn’t realize they stay close to the surface but makes sense tho. I thought I was going to have a massive explosion because one day outside the greenhouse they started hatching from under the pine needles, there were millions for several nights and quite a few finding there way to the light inside the greenhouse. But they dwindled down after a couple weeks so maybe they were a little different gnats.

It appears to be guard lizard season over here also!

Love the colors in that Shoreline OG…:call_me_hand:


that is a cool looking lizard!!

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Anyone ever seen a fungus like this?

Stuck my finger in it and it is like cottage cheese haha. Came up Over night

Tapioca slime?? Some type of slime mold. I’d imagine it’s good stuff and a good sign.


So hard to take good pictures of close up buds. Going to test a little later. The smells on these are very rich and sweet.

Lpc Og

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So I know that ima have to hit some branches with pollen on this girl. Super stinky and I love the structure. Going to take some clones I believe too.

The question is which pollen.

Didn’t realize I never put a picture :rofl:


Starting some more labs. I really do feel like this stuff is amazing. Here’s the rice wash water

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Alright you twisted my arm, i’ll try to make some labs :+1:

That fungus is crazy & it literally appeared overnight?


That’s just the rice water @Gonzo . It picks up some dissolved solids. After a few days it will smell mildly “beery”, which is when he’ll add the milk. That’s when the magic happens.


Right on, I was talking about the alien sludge he found haha.

I’m definitely gonna get my LABS on too :+1:

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Ya new one for me. Very interesting. Early back in the thread I found an egg and hatched a stink horn mushroom.


Do you collect local IMO (indigenous micro organisms) around your house and cultivate it? I really want to do that. Its seems like you just go collect some and mix it in with cooked rice? Or set it on top I also have wheat bran now.
I have a bucket making JLF (jadam liquid fertilizer) boy does it stink. I don’t have it completely sealed tho and wondering if that will affect it much. Around harvest time I’ll make another bucket that has a sealable lid for next year. Right now im just kinda messing around

Those should be some good rainbow carrots. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Life looks abundant & diverse in your yard. Like my yard when I was a kid… back before everyone had a lawn service spraying chemicals on everything.

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That was my old place (stink horn)but I’m working to get lots stuff growing here too