Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

13 is where you start to get famous. :nerd_face:


Please don’t take my picture without asking

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@Kasper0909 @HeadyBearAdventures when soil like happy frog is months old/dries up in the bag & you have to add water back to it… would that have any impact on keeping seedlings alive/healthy?


Do you usually use straight Happy Frog for seedlings? I would imagine its pretty hot, and once it dessicates, and sits, it will probably be even hotter. I’d rehydrate it, and keep it moist over the course of at least a week, prior to using.


Ya. The ff ocean forest I hear is too hot but I used the happy frog without a problem for seedlings.


Good to know!


I had no problem before, this time I had 3/5 get stunted. I guess I’m just overwatering. In the first few days of a seedlings life, should you let the soil completely dry back before adding water? Maybe I’m not keeping the dome on long enough.

What do you guys think of rooting pucks, root riots etc. Would that make it easier to not overwater?

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When that little seedling pops it’s head I usually try to stop any watering till dry. Make those roots search. Sounds like I might would lose the dome for now as it’s not necessary and may allow you to keep seedlings a little dryer

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Get a bag of this

It’s working great for me for seedlings. Then when I up pot I just add amendments.

But it dries our very fast and I haven’t had problems like I do with heavier stuff staying wet too long.

I was using other stuff recently and had a bitch of a time with over watering


Ok cool so thats coco huh? Water only? Then that can be transplanted to standard peat based soil once it gets bigger?


Ya I have been germinating in solo cups with just this, then using the same soil plus amendments for the rest of the grow. This has mycorrhiza in it to which is helpful… But yes you can transplant into anything once your ready to up pot. I recently bought 100 little mesh bags for starting so I will try that instead of solos.


Yea I used nursery bags this time thinking it would make it easier. It did not. I’ll try your $12 promix method!

How often do you water seedlings in that mix & how much. I have watering idiocy syndrome.


If you germinate in the soil, only spritz with a water bottle you just need around that seed moist. That soil keeps the water away from the seed for the most part. As soon as I see anything popping up, or sometimes when I think it should be popping up I’ll stop spritzing and let that little plant suck all the water up. Picking up the cup is the only way I can tell it’s not still too wet to water again. When they get bigger I will let them dry and droop a little in conjunction with picking up the pots and feeling weight. But honestly with the right seed starting mix it’s much easier and takes allot of the guess work out. My first grow I think I germinated in 5 gallon pots and just watered around the plant as big as the plant outward the bigger it got. That was in happy frog and it worked fine. I think I added perlite and vermiculite tho. Are you adding anything to your soil?

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Here I can soak a small plant in a 3 gallon cloth pot and it’s dry in a couple days with that soil. I watered these day before yesterday and they are light as a feather but still not showing signs out needing water.

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Doing a giveaway here.


Figured I’d germ test 5 LPC OG f2

Straight wall Mart pro mix

Sprayed a little water on top, made small craters and sprinkled a little light soil on top. Then sprayed a little more.



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PCO Punta cometa Oaxaca

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Widow maker auto


All is looking :ok_hand: