Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

Ya looks like she is flowering. From what I understand some landrace are like autos where they start to flower if mature or in too small of pots.
And it’s no problem I love taking pics of my plants

And meats: On the grill today.


Dream six from @Tracker and BBD F2 x Black Cherry by @Rhai88 going in the cups today. Looking for one more cup for another dream six. Gonna do 4 and 4


Exciting! Hope you find something worth while! I do have a tester thread going for these if you’re interested


Awesome I’ll be in there posting pics…

@3rdgengrower your seeds are in the mail today from your win. Sent you 10 of each.

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Thank you I will let ya know when they hit can’t wait I’m trying to get some more pots and promix now so I can get a couple going

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You’re welcome! :grinning: if you need any more seeds lemme know!

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Landrace/equatorial are finicky outside their natural area, they must already be noticing the minimal days getting shorter cuz those def look like they are in flower, that’s pretty crazy


Same here ya see so.ething I got and ya want to try em let me know headed to do chores have a good afternoon fellas

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Ya I think it’s just the one Odisha currently. The others are still vegging. Not sure about the Frankenstein tho haha

Awesome sounds good!!

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Frankenstein is gonna be ur big ole tree this year for sure, especially if it keeps going all month long. I’ve got more aggressive with my teas and doing every 10 days instead of every two weeks


Ya for sure she is a big girl. Her branches have gotten very sturdy. I just feed her piles of kitchen scraps, organic tomatoe fertilizer and a few other things… Can’t wait for my jlf to be ready too, and the compost pile full of chicken poop. :heart_eyes: luckily she hasn’t gotten much taller just more sturdy, the ground was pretty hard under the planter bed so she probably can’t get down too much farther currently

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Well I wouldn’t be adding any chicken shit for the rest of the season, to much slow release nitrogen. Would be a great time to build a soil for next year or fall/winter indoors

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How about some worm towers?
I’m about to start designing some nice small indoor ones for 3D printing. :slight_smile:


Dude this Promix you turned me onto stays evenly moist & super loose/aerated all the way down. Top to bottom.

I culled these 2 males, sextest came back

& I checked the soil/roots real closely. This is what I’m using for seedlings for now on.

You & @Thats_bank were right about waiting longer, the roots were definitely not yet developed enough to hold the soil together. I’ll just add worm castings & give them another week?


Oh & on the worm castings… i got a 5lb bag. Just sprinkle a Teaspoon on top of promix surface & water or what’s the ideal method there fellas.


Those males were looking pretty good that’s too bad but good job with them


Ya I’m about done with veg nutrients they should be able to ride the next month or so.

@Rogue I definitely need to get some worm bins/towers going. I do have meal worm castings tho and that seems to work pretty good. A3d printed worm bin would be pretty awesome I’ll bet

@Gonzo I don’t think I’ve ever been able to sex plants so young. You don’t have to worry about worm castings burning your plants. In a3 gallon I usually use about half a cup or so. By the way your plants are looking great and nice roots. Oh I just read you sex tested them. Nice