Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

Anyone ever grow tobacco?? I thought I’d give it a try, didn’t know they had such pretty flowers


Do you smoke cigarettes or what might be the reason for growing this if I’m not being to nosey

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Well I smoke a tobacco pipe occasionally and then there’s a couple ppl in the household who smoke. Cigarettes are really expensive for them so just checking it out. :grin:

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Ya that soil should make your growing much less complicated. It did for me. And it’s dirt cheap :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I am a smoker so I definitely would like to try something like this next year


I can send you some seeds once I harvest these, should be thousands. They take allot of patients to start but then they grow easy peasy. They sprout super tiny like strawberries.

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Bro, put me in line for some of them too. I’ve wanted to grow it just to grow it lol

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You got it!!

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That would be awesome just picked this up today what ya think about the size of the pots for starting photos you think they are big enough so they get big enough to tell sex


Pro mix 🤦🤦🤦 I always cringe when I hear of ppl running it. All that peat drives me crazy

3 gallon is usually good to carry em till they show gender, that’s what I use till they graduate to something bigger showing their bits

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Seems like it’s the only thing I can get autos in and it has to be this blue and black bag or the red and black I kill stuff in the other ones not near big enough then these are only 3/4 gal

Have not seen those blue pro mix yet. Just depends on how fast they reveal. I usually go cups to 3 gallon or I’ve gone straight to 5s too.

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The blue one is like 2 of the red ones and it’s only 20$ at manards Walmart jacked the red ones up to 15$ here that’s crazy

Ya I’ve been so happy with the yellow and red bags. It wets really well. Everything I have growing now almost is in that soil

The red and yellow are compacted but the same cu ft

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2 cu ft is 12.8 gallons, last soil build I did was about 50 cents a gallon which would be about $6.40 for the same amount. Still think y’all should consider making ur own and not having to deal with splash back of peat


I am headed that direction, just not there yet.


I really wouldn’t know where to start with that it maybe something for me to look into

This is my favorite but always outta stock