Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

Gonna put this here as day 1 of flower for sheberghan balkh.


Perhaps throw some kitchenscraps in your pots for the rollie pollies, they turn it into extra fertilizer, everybody happy!

They go nuts for zuchini and cucumber, and grass clippings.


Ya for sure that works I’ve tried it. :+1: basically anything rotting or old keeps them from fresh leaves. They aren’t shy about eating new cover crop either. :joy:

Ok. I have shredded zucchini in the freezer that’s what I should use. :bulb:

All right here were go!! The main attraction! I still have no clue on gender with the two Odisha but I’m gonna up pot this one now and let (her) go crazy for flower. Hopefully she doesn’t stretch too much more.


By the way found my first egg. Very small, hard shell and super yummy.


Don’t forget to vote for favorite pets picture here.

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Such an anomaly.

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Very interesting to say the least haha.

Crazy new comers. Getting outta control. Kind of bit of extra with the Dream six being fems. Definitely gonna have a full tent. May have to flower a couple of either in the greenhouse.


Anyone have the upcoming time or space and desire to test a few possibly early flowering Odisha Valley bag seed(@Budderton ) x Blue Sunshine (pollen) seeds? Odisha mom Smells like pine and at the very least should add some mold resistance to the Blue Sunshine. If my googling is correct haha. (Have no idea how that works yet) but I figure why not experiment. I have hand picked a couple dozen so I can ship out immediately.

Probably a long flowering time, or not.
Seeds are huge and look very viable.
From what I’ve gathered may be random pollen that made the Odisha bag seed or a cool variation that flowers early. 🤷
If I need to add anything or do something different please message me. :seedling:

Please feel free to comment and/or add any information. This is for my own personal curiosity. :grinning:


PC Oaxaca from @Tejas week 3 of flower


Freaking caterpillars!
Couldn’t even tell these have been eating away buds next to the stem, they’ve been there awhile cause they are huge. Found 5 large ones.

I will add the caterpillars haven’t done as much damage as usual. They cannot penetrate the stems on this girl and are just chewing away the bud and pooping allot. No mold in those long infested spots but allot of caterpillar droppings. Usually whole buds or tops die from the stem damage. Went through and removed all I could find then sprayed out the spots with water. IT’S been raining everyday and humidity has been high. No mold!!


If the Dream6’s are like the BD(JD6) mom, they’ll get pretty lanky/stretchy.


Thinking on wether I should top or not. Don’t quite have a plan yet on the 4 fems and 4 regulars with a potential for 8 ladies haha. I could toss a couple outside and just let them go ham and flower. They are vigorous!!


They are beginning to stack nicely.


Topped all little ones


Banana kush

Sheberghan _ what’s the flower time to be expected on her @Upstate



Looks like pollination was successful on the lowers of the Banana Kush and the Oaxaca with the Blue Sunshine Pollen from @VAhomegrown . Trying to keep everything pollinated with the same pollen. Besides blue sunshine with blue dream and sunshine daydream seems prefect for both.


Looking good with all my autos coming down I will be getting started on our seed run I’m excited for this one ya really made my day with Himalayan blue diesel trying to figure out how I’m going to get all of em in there I’m already running 1gal pots since doing seed run and the plants wouldn’t haft to get that big do ya think I could move to half gal so I can get more in there since ya sent me the beans it’s just me and you so I would like to include ya as much as I can thanks for your thoughts and time


Grow some broccoli, cauliflower, kale next to your cannabis mang, they much prefer to eat the brassicaceae. And you’ve got enough space!