Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

Dang rolley polleys ate both Odisha sprouts. Gonna need to start them in solos up high, tho I have two sprouted in the Odisha Rocket SIP and I think I have them protected from the chickens good enough. Should be interesting to see what they look like as this early Odisha is still in flower and looks to be for a bit.

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BD (J6) tied down and in the cleaned tent
Using soft pipe cleaners and a hole punch to train. Not great with those lst clips I’ve concluded. Beat them up pretty good. We’ll see how the tops pop up.
Gonna stick with 3 gallons this round. @Tracker


Nice! I’m excited to see how they do for you.


Bottom right, nice long petioles on those fans…:v:t3:


Been reading up on the Afghani Sheberghan x Balkh cross @Upstate . Super excited about this one. 4 some reason I was thinking this was from India originally. Looking really pretty tho.


Blue Dream shaping up


Looking very nice! I like the leaves on the front right plant.

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That one is quite pungent. Haven’t really investigated too much on the smells of each plant but that one when watered or messed with starts stinking pretty bad. Can’t really lock it down yet tho. Sorry it’s actually the back right one. I’ll do some stem rubs soon

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The stem rubs on the BD(JD6) smell totally different than the flower. The flower smells like Blueberry Sandalwood, but the stem rubs smell like funky herbal.

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Ya sounds about right the funky herbal. :+1: I’m so bad at smells, I guess that will get better the more strains I experience.


Just cannot make this Odisha happy. Under fed over fed too much water just not sure. The other is kicking but in the background.


At least one of my caterpillar catcher flowers are blooming finally.


My last batch went to shit from heat but one jar stood out from the rest…:thinking: Hmmm WTF is this? Worcestershire Sauce :unamused: distinktly



Lone flowering Odisha


BBD x Black Cherry can’t really call these ones yet.




Fermenting ur feed for 3 days will encourage bigger eggs, also only have to feed em half as much too. May be something to look into! Nice first butt nugget!

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Ya. It’s been in the back off my mind to ferment they’re feed. Definitely a goal. :+1:

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I do have one person to test and see what the possibilities of the Odisha x Blue Sunshine may produce. Any other takers are welcome.

Odisha still not flowering


It’s super easy, just get on a 3 jar/bucket rotation. Fill half full of typical feed amount, fill the rest the way with water and 3 days later dump for em somewhere and each day u dump it refill the jar. I was doing that with 3 5 gallon buckets when I had about 40 hens. Once ur on the rotation it’s minimal work and healthier birds

If I had to vote both those bbd x bc looks like males :frowning: hope I’m wrong on at least 1

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