Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

Days aren’t short enough yet for equatorial cultivars they really gotta hit closer to the 11.5- 12.5 hours in a day to see season is closing. Landraces can be finicky like that not growing in their adapted environment.

Only thing I could suggest is try to place the plant somewhere it’s gonna get heavy shade in the morning and evening and might be able to trigger it cutting out some direct sun daylight

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Ya I’m thinking the same on the BBD. fermenting sounds easy enough. Ill give it a shot soon. Thank you!!

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Ya may seem weird but I actually enjoyed that sweet smell when I dumped it too. Really need to get some chickens again! Miss having a flock! I think TSC is doing fall chick days soon. That’s when I prefer to get em vs spring cuz they will start laying in the spring if I get em in the fall. Spring chicks start laying in the fall then stop shortly after for winter and rather them ramp up to produce when they finally start

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Yea I think I have one or two laying currently. And egg a day so far. But it’s very early. :+1:

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By about November it will drop off quite a bit, they are def freeloaders not paying their rent by then hahaha u can encourage winter production by just simply lighting up their roaming area for an extra couple hours a day but typically winters with about 10 hens id be lucky to see an egg or two every few day till about Feb/march usually it was back to full swing by then

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Oaxaca has me pretty excited!

Starting week 6 of flower.

Picked about 5 medium caterpillars off yesterday so I need to keep a better eye on them. Like the Odisha they are much larger caterpillars than was decimating the Frankie. Tho they don’t do nearly the damage the small ones do, whether landrace are stronger genetics against caterpillars or these caterpillars eggs are not bore into the stem like the small ones. For whatever reason The Frankenstein did not handle the caterpillars well. whole bud tops would dry up because of stem damage which is where you would find a caterpillar munching close by. Also the banana kush lost a small top to caterpillar damage.
Anyways sorry for my long rant.


They all look good. It’s strange that the one Odisha has not shown sex.


Both of them. I just flushed the other real good because it was not looking good. But both are not showing even gender yet.


Could they, by chance, be a longer veg/flower version of what some of the other OGer’s are running?


I read to veg them for 4 months minimum but I’m unsure if that’s necessary or recommended. Also 4 months flower. I will run them till forced to cull haha


Will you be able to finish them outside or will you move them inside?

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I’ll move them into the greenhouse and finish probably. Should give them another month at least, or I could even run a little heat in there too

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Blue Dream leaf.


I really like those dark green waxy looking leave looking good

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Ya Im shocked at how big some are. They dont look that big till your holding them I guess. Bottom right leaves look allot like the mother plant so fingers crossed. I still have some blue sunshine pollen which seems would be a good cross. Also it’s crazy how much yellow is added When under led. When I got some leaves out I was shocked at how dark they were


Ran out of likes catching up. You have been busy brotha haha Even with the small hiccup from the caterpillars, You are rockin and rolling! Beautiful garden! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Thanks man. Ya this is the fun part outside( except caterpillar hunting) which is not terrible. But aggravating haha

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This Banana Kush is insanely gooey/sticky and actually smells of sweet bananas (I think). If I can keep the caterpillars at bay I’ll be really happy with this plant. She literally sparkles in the sun light.

Looking back she’s 4 weeks in flower.


Oh I forgot, Congrats on the first egg.
Fresh eggs are the best.


Ya thank you was pretty cool. Getting an egg a day I think only one is laying still.

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