Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

Ya this had help from chicken poop and my last bucket, and some already moldy kitchen scraps from another bucket. So it grew fast. Thanks for looking!!:grin:

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Let is foam and grow.

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Sounds good, I’ll get as much of a colony going as I can then mix it in and let it go to town.

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I don’t grow in dirt, so I know absolutely nothing… Roast accordingly, lol :grin:

Mold is a good thing? I thought at that point it had gone beyond healthy bacteria breaking stuff down…?

It must stiiiink, lol

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I uses to think the same. And yes it will be smelly. They way I’ve heard it the whiter the better. No I’m not racist. But I actually used it in the SIPs in the tent in the house and didn’t notice it. (Neither did anyone else😂) I think it’s mellowing out the older it gets. This one has lots of potatoes and chicken poop so I’d imagine it may be awful.


But mold is the healthy bacteria breaking stuff down. :grin: not all mold

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I post way to many pictures I know. 🫤
Just looks so cool when they get actual sun in there.

These girls are leaf machines so far. With the Oaxacan in there may run 12 weeks, no idea tho.


I like your pictures. :grin:

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Thank you. :facepunch::grin:

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Newb pruning question… When would you clear r out some of those fan leaves? Or would you at all?

I’m learning that pruning is an art form, and currently I’m a kid with a crayon :joy:

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You can make some dope art with a crayon I’m just saying. A lot of the time I feel pruning is subjective just as is topping/training. Best advice is to watch videos and watch OGs work their plants. Take in what you can and then apply it to your plants. Trial and error is the best learning. Practice and more practice.


I need a 10x10 tent so I can have a LOT more plants to practise on :joy::metal:

Do you have a favourite YouTube channel for all this? Or just everything from everyone?

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Honestly the old Kushman videos on pruning aren’t bad since that’s what you’re looking for specifically. Dudes like Bob Ross while he shares in pruning techniques and shows you how to do things. Give it watch…


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Ha I use the same method to mark my pollenated branches as well! Well done those plants look amazing! Hopefully some of your magic pollen Noc’ed up my original amnesia Haze auto. That should be a interesting cross!

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This is definitely the best way to learn what works best for you and your situation. Experiment, try new techniques, grow out mistakes even if not ideal conditions just to watch.
"Famous Quotes by Thomas Edison

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”"


Sweet, thank you! I’ve definitely watched a bunch of his vids, he reminds me way to much of Kirk Hammett, haha.

I’ve watched a bunch of this guys vids as well, I’m going to give his lst style a shot with my current grow.

I wish flowering didn’t take so long. By the time I’m good to train again, I’ve forgotten what I wanted to do :joy::person_facepalming:

Thanks! :metal:

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Outta likes. I’ve pruned these so much mostly to get light to the buds. Probably won’t take much more.


I kinda want to take a ton of clones, get them rooted and growing, and then practice pruning :grin:… I already feel bad for the plants 🤦:metal:

These plants are fully pollinated. Here’s the previous branch of number one. Still a couple greens. I’m thinking I’m gonna call it in about 1 week.

Looks like there’s gonna be lots.

Can you tell if the buds you pollinated are Seeding up? I’d imagine you should be good as it looks like the greens are from that last dusting when I sent the pollen but who knows. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::v:


Ya. Blue tape and marker :joy:

I forgot to mark the BBD X BC branch I hit with chocolate diesel. So somewhere on her may be some seeds haha. :thinking: