Kasper’s Pollen Chucks

Ok another Rogue grower I guess. Haha

I think I need to start figuring out the p/k part. I feel like n is going in the right direction but I feel like I need some organic p/k concoction to pump them buds In flower. I see all these huge buds and have serious big bud envy. Regardless I know I can toast egg shells darker for calcium/phosphorous but outside of bananas im wondering what the best way to get potassium is. I have bone meal on standby but what else works good? I’ll bet I know who has an answer tho. @Rhino_buddy . Come check out my imo attempts too just above. Actually there are several ppl who im sure have an answer but Rhino has been a stranger for too long :rofl:


Dandelion is high in calcium.

It grows in soil that is depleted in calcium and pulls it up to the surface with its deep roots, the old leaves die off and there you go, nature topdressing itself.

There’s plant species for every kind of deficiency imaginable.

I just found an interesting web page about it: What Weeds Tell You About Your Soil

Weeds are actually the plants that keep our soil healthy, they are saviors, they exist so we don’t need to think about enriching the soil. Just let everything grow, once the soil is rich again they will cease to grow. The seeds may stay in the soil, but they will only sprout when the soil is lacking in something that they are good at making available.

I see this happening with the beans in my pots, when the nitrogen levels are maxed out then the bean plants start turning black and die on their own.

Apart from that I topdress with as many different kitchenscraps, grasses, weeds, tree leaves, etc I can find nearby. I don’t have deficiencies.

When in doubt, choose everything that has lived. :grin:

If you eat meat then throw some whole ribs in your pots, the fungi will ensure a steady supply of calcium for years to come, it will disappear eventually… nothing survives rich topsoil on a long enough timeline, only once bones sink down into clay layers is when they stay preserved, or in deserts.

But if it’s in a pot then it will be eaten by the soil biology sooner rather than later!

Dogs know this, they bury bones because it makes them softer to chew, they use the soil to help them digest it, so dogs ferment their food too. :grin:


That’s awesome! Ya im a weed enthusiast for sure and had a feeling once the soil gets better better weeds will grow. I know my mulch pile doesn’t grow weeds even tho there’s weeds mulched in there tho makes sense what your saying. We have allot of dandelions, wild lettuce, Goat heads, you name in. This back yard used to be gravel at one time and most places still are. I have to try and scrape the rocks off under the Planters. The chicken poop tho seems to work fast on the clay underneath. This yard is square one.

The massive pine needles tho are a bonus even tho the trees they come from almost completely shade the greenhouse. But the alley has some stuff going on. Lots of brush, leaves, pine needles, weeds and grass in piles. :+1:


Damn man! Calling me out. I’m actually no help here. I know some things, but I know a whole lots more about prairie plants native to the great plains region. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I can do some research though. :wink::v:


Very cool, love the chickens.


I’ve got some plantains coming for now. Gonna try that until weeds starts growing again. Doing some research too. I noticed almonds might be good to ferment with labs. Looks like pretty much every food has potassium. Also maybe some fermented Spruce berries look promising. Such a rabbit hole


Took a few more fan leaves off. Some leaves starting to fade on the Oaxaca. Rotten cheese smells.


Beautiful! How long into flower?


I believe they are close to 8 weeks f. Right around there.


Time to finish up the greenhouse. The Odisha are getting an attack from aphids which I tried washing off. Gave the Oaxaca and BBD cross a teaspoon of black strap some labs and some banana vanilla bean ferment. Gonna be interesting to see what those microbes do now.


Also doing a germ test with seeds from each plant on the Afghani auto. Here we go.

Sprayed with 3% hydrogen peroxide then added hot sink water as recommended by @THCeed


Mom’s coffee plant she has had forever looking bad so see if I can’t make it better or worse.


Other than the large seed packs, am i missing anyone I was supposed to send seeds too? I think im caught up, but may be missing some. :thinking:


Pretty sure you forgot me, @CanuckistanPete @MissinBissin @TopShelfTrees1 @Thetravler @LOL
I could go on. :joy:


Thanks for looking out for us there Mr THCeed !

Haha I have plenty of the Afghani auto seeds. Send those addys and I’ll Get some out after a bit. :+1::rofl:

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BBD F2 x Black Cherry. Sniped a top to investigate. These buds look so juicy! @Rhai88

Tops are getting close


This is a good photo of cloudy trichomes @Thetravler


Preparing summer flower nutes. Plantains, banana peels, apple cores and any other flowers or fruits or fruit parts. Gonna go grab some alley imo and keep adding to it

Also will make some ffj with plantains, bananas, and jaggery.