Kingmambo’s COVID Potpourri

Have you grown out the Panama Red x PT? Sure seems like the smoke has great potential.

This two plants blew up overnight. I tools pics yesterday so I’ll get more today to compare. I will post them. :call_me_hand:t4:


Panama Red x Pineapple Thai
12 hours between these two pics.

Good stuff!


The plants have settled after up-potting and taking off. Growth is compact but rapid. Seeing a few fungus gnats which will be dealt with. I will soon need to bring in another light. The Panama Reds in particular are very vigorous.

Lastly, Ansel Adams stopped by and took a pic for me.


Pre-election photo shoot.


There is an amazing fractal like quality to the new leaves that’s mesmerizing. :star_struck: :+1:



Day V30

Everyone is progressing but at markedly different rates. The Panama Reds are way ahead of the others. All the plants in this grow were started at the same, in the same soil mix, and on the same feeding and IPM regimen. I knew they would vary because of numerous strains but the differences are striking.

Here is a group shot:

Monster petioles on this Blue Dream.

Panama Red x Pineapple Thai

Might need my chainsaw to keep them from outgrowing my space.

Here’s a beautiful Purple Kush


Here is our beautiful little Trifoliate Blue Dream. Not a fast grower like the other Blue Dreams but we love him anyway.


I’ll be taking some cuts of them soon for safety. No problems at all except for pesky fungus gnats. Hope to be rid of them soon.

Flipping this group to flower with be a compromise unless I split them up. I think it’s safe to say the Panama Reds from @Instg8ter will need to be flipped earlier to keep them manageable indoors. Growing multiple strains at once is a pain but it helps me get up to speed faster on those I’ve never grown.

There will be quite a variety in the end products - assuming I can effectively juggle them all while growing.


gnats can be wiped out with:
sand, diatomaceous earth, or eggshells. Just make a good layer they can’t get through.
The triploids don’t grow as fast, I’ve noticed.


Looking great, in 3 gallon pots the PR got to about 6’ going into flower at around 12” topped from 6th node back to 4th. The Purple Thai gets around 3-4’ in same pot…


No have not grown yet but PT is from Snowhigh and a great earthy, coco, incense taste. The PR is from Ace and said to have genes of three South American Reds. makeS fat Nerf Football size kolas with pink pistils and a slight metallic strawberry taste. I like my Thais to cure minimum of a month at 55% RU to get rid of the green banana aftertaste of the early smoke. Hoping you get Thai heavy Phenos with fatter buds of the Red . dense and oily with resin like the Thai.


That whole Nerf football thing is crazy. They look ridiculous, in a good way. Good work man.

I’m really diggin the vigor on the PRxPT plants. Every aspect of their structure is big/thick/sturdy but they grow quickly. I love that pairing and I’ll bet the smoke will be great. The stems already have a distinct smell - cat piss, vinegar, and musky. It should be fun to smell the changes. I bet they would be amazing grown outside. Probably get very big.

The AK/BP/PT is doing well. It was a slow starter but is going well now.

Keep cool. I’ll keep you posted.


Day V36

Group Photo (today)

Group Photo (6 days ago)

Group Photo (Oct 29)


Update: Day V36 The kids are alright.

Everyone is doing well though the size range is wide. The slow starters are finally finding their legs and trying to catch up. The two Panama Red x Pineapple Thai plants continue to grow like kudzu. I’m working to keep them manageable but we shall see.

The Purple Kush is a beautiful plant.


Day V47

The mixed-lot of plants in this grow are fascinating to watch. Plants which grew quickly early are being caught in the race.

It’s anecdotal as I didn’t measure them along the way but all the plants which grew strongly early were seeds I inoculated with Lactobacillus and a bit of H2O2 when started. There is definitely enough evidence to continue the inoculation process with new seeds.

The most vigorous plant continues to be Panama Red x Pineapple Thai #1. When this plant showed strong early growth I decided to do some LST to open up the middle of the plant. It is still the tallest plant despite this training.

Panama Red x Pineapple Thai #1


Panama Red x Pineapple Thai #2 is just behind its sibling and catching up. I’ve noticed the PR to be very thirsty. I let this one grow with no interference from me. It’s getting thick with growth and I’ll need to make some room soon.

PRxPT #2


Blue Dream #3 has been the most vigorous of the BDs and is basically on par with the PRxPT #1 and #2. I’ve not molested this one but it has grown very well.

Blue Dream #3


This grow includes Blue Dream, Blue Cookies, and Purple Kush from Mark Thompson CaliBest420. This Purple Kush is doing well. It needs a haircut but other than that it’s doing well.

Purple Kush


What’s that white crap? some kind of pathogen or flour or pollen or something?


I am moving my grow room to a different spot in the house with better air movement, heat, humidity, etc. I will be ordering another light this week; the move will take place when the new light arrives.

The Blue Cookies plants have been less vigorous than all the others. The (Afghan Kush x Black Pearl) x Pineapple Thai (courtesy of @Instg8ter along with the Panama Reds) started slowly but is catching up. The pictures I took of it were shit so I will get better pics for the next update.

In my opinion, the plants have been held back a little by the temp and humidity of the current grow room. I’ve have trouble getting the temp up a bit from 65•F and the humidity is steady at a low 50%. When 2/3 of your life is in storage because your move to Michigan has been COVID-delayed, you miss little things like extra heaters, humidifiers, and what not.

I’m gonna let them go a little long before flip. The new grow room has 12’ ceilings - rather than the current grow room’s 7.5’. With the additional light and better temps/humidity they should make up some ground.

I’m gonna hit some lower branches with Pineapple Thai pollen (also from @Instg8ter) just not sure yet which plants. I will definitely be hitting the Panama Reds back with the Pineapple Thai pollen. That should make for an interesting end product. I like what Stiggy - as I now refer to him - is doing and he deserves high praise for his generosity here on OG. He sent me some of his Brutal Paw x Dirty Margarita which I will likely run next. He described the smells as “Stripper Perfume” and “Opium.” Based upon that, I’m giving the strain a working name - “Next Day Regrets.”

Stay healthy and high.

Kev :call_me_hand:t4: