Kingmambo’s COVID Potpourri

Yeah, I hope that is some DE that had gotten wet on that leaf.

Besides that, your plants look nice. I soaked my last round of beans in labs, and I ended up with :100: Germ and 0 damp off. I’m gonna keep it up as well.


Not DE. Yayo! Exploded everywhere in the grow room. Ever since, the plants have been hyper and they’re sniffing a lot.

You are correct. It is DE. For whatever reason, I loathe fungus gnats so when they appear I kinda go whole hog to get rid of them.

I had planned to include this in my update but, like a good stoner, I forgot.




No wonder you haven’t been around much!

Good to know that’s all it is. Joecrowe has great eyes for possible issues.


lol! hilarious! Yah ol fucking eagle eye over here obsessing over strange shit on people’s plants! I better go get the swiffer and start dusting my plants off!
hah hah but seriously I do check on the plants of everyone’s thread I read… sometimes even downloading the photos so I can load it up and get a better look. You’ll know I secretly care when I tell you there is some weird shit on there.


Usually dog hair in my case. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Yeah all the nice long red hairs in my shit are compliments of GUS, my mahogany Golden Retriever. Plus he likes to eat the popcorn buds and stems when I trim…


Guess Gus is helping you clean up…lol


How much LABS do you guys use for a soak? Do you dilute it, of just use it full strength? I’m getting ready to pop some seeds, and I want to try soaking with LABS. :vulcan_salute:

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I believe I used 1:1000. That’s like a few drops in a pint or a tsp in a gallon (something like that). I’m pretty sure that the right measurement for a gallon, but I’d check the pint. You can Google 1:1000 dilution, and I think some cooking sites were helpful.

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I put one or two drops in a shotglass with the water. Any seeds that haven’t popped in 48 hours then go into a different shotglass with only water and a drop of H2O2. After another day or two if any are unpopped I switch them back to LB water.

Anecdotally, I’ve seen a difference in the vigor of the seeds which pop early. I also feel seeds have popped that would not have popped using just water. That said, these “late seedlings” seem to lack vigor almost across the board. If you look at the pictures, there are multiple Blue Dream and Blue Cookies plants in this grow. All were started at the same time. There are a few plants that are way smaller than the strongest; every one of those plants was a late popper.

Following the next grow I’m going to switch to planting 3 seeds per pot then culling for the best in each three. I won’t do this for important seeds or rare seeds but I’ve come to realize it’s better to use more seeds than have less plants than your light can handle.

Kev :call_me_hand:t4:


Our Golden, Kora, donates her blonde hair to my grows. She asks every time if I’m growing Kona Gold. I always tell her yes just to help her feel a part of the grow.

She loves to eat the cheese when I make Lactobacillus and will snatch a bud if left available. When she was young she snatched an edible. That was an entertaining evening.


stuff like this is why I always wash all my harvests, indoors and out


uh oh…fu…fii…FILTHY MONKEYS! :crazy_face:
Ahh Sorry, I couldn’t hold it in! :monkey: runs off to swiffer his plants I go insane if the dogs tail touches the plant…oooo contamination alert!
You could try sprouting a series of seeds of same kind side by side. See if there is actually a difference by doing a few of them. Alternatively don’t use cannabis seeds try it with pepper seeds so you’re not wasting good product if there is a failure.


@Badger is on the money, 1:100 is the real-deal. LAB also increases seeds’ ability to fight off problems (viruses, mold, etc), same for soil drench for seedlings. Aloe water does the same. ALL, do take special care, stay EXTRA/EXTRA safe (it’s ugly right now!!!) and, indeed, be well…mister :honeybee: :pray: :100:


The “cheese” or curd from LAB is quite good for animal’s digestive system. When dry, you can sprinkle some in your drains (sinks, shower, toilet) to kill ALL the germs, sprinkle it on your topsoil around flowers/plants, many positive uses for the LAB byproducts. Please take care, stay SUPER safe and, considering these times, be well, please…mister :honeybee: :pray: :100:


@misterbee. Tell me more about aloe water. Can you use fresh aloe to make it?

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In fact, I received some advice from “Brother Mendel” on strainly several years ago regarding Aloe for germination. I take a Fan from the Aloe plant (wife gives me the ole side eye), cut it lengthwise along the edge, unfold it and, taking a razor blade or knife, scrap all the “juice”, place it in a small jar (I use the small 8 oz jar from Salsa), fill the glass HALFWAY with DISTILLED Water, let stand for 24 -48 hours. SECONDLY, take another jar, put in 10 - 15 lentil (beans, peas or, both), adding more Distilled Water, cover and let it stand the same. Give each jar a good shake a couple of times a day. After 48 hours, combine the contents into ONE jar. You can then use the mixture to germinate seeds. When the Lentil soaks up the water, they give off a gas with accelerates the germination process. Now if you really have O-L-D seeds (10 - 35 year old), add GA3, PPM to 35 - 50). I guarantee you’ll germinate some/most of them. EVERYONE, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray:


Making LAB, I DON’T used Aloe Water, just plain Tap Water. We save ALL our Rice rinse, as well as the rinse from Macaroni and other Pasta. I have several large mouth Gallon Jars for the LAB, easier to remove the curd without a big mess. I hope to find 2 or 3 gallon Glass Containers. SS/BW…mister :honeybee:


How about aloe water just for watering? Can you make that?

You can buy it cheaper than making it…SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray:

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