Kingmambo’s COVID Potpourri

I’ve been running a perpetual garden for 10 months (since I found OG) and it’s broadened my knowledge Of this plant we all love and NEED immensely I feel.

10 months since I cultivated my first seed since 2nd grade (ran clones for 5 years). I wish I would have found this knowledge at 25 instead of 55. When I decided to start this I had no idea where it would lead but I knew the START!! I wanted to grow the foundations of my generation as we only knew the names of the LEGENDS.

I was barely old enough and lucky enough to have an uncle that was 5 years older than me that I coat tailed. He turned me on to pot at a young age and was well connected as a sound engineer by 19-20 in the Detroit area. If it was on the market we smoked it.

So far I have worked my way through most of them that I could put a name too. you know them by the crosses I hand out. I’m getting into first generation x’s of the early 80’s for this season. And am close to tracking down or crossing back a Unicorn that brought me to OG.

The knowledge that flows from this sight does wonders in the MED field as I can surely attest. In growing multiple strains together and not altering them other than a single topping for taller plants you get to see structures and hybrid vigor up close. The other Big Plus is in under a year you can have double digit strains in jars with a 60% 1-10+ month cure.

The AK part of the AK x BP is kicking in so I’ll wrap it up by saying the secret to a multi plant grow is watering schedule and simple fertilizer program. I use Texas Tomato, or Fruit Bloom 1 - part veg, 1-part Bloom every other watering 16 gallons a week with a full room…moral is because of Time, we all only have so many grows in us, make the most of it!!!


in that case I am sure I know him


Having that much variation in strains, do you find it hard to maximize the potential of each, as different strains normally require different quantity of nutrition and environment?

Not really looking for “Best” representation on drops of three seeds. When you stop worrying about a little leaf yellowing and realize that it is a weed and would most likely grow without your help with enough moisture and light. When running seeds I just want the plant to finish the cycle and get dried.
When I do a bud run I use supercropping and a few toppings. I still find that in most cases I don’t need to adjust my watering, if I do I adjust the days in between watering for all plants not the amount. I want my pots light enough to pick up one handed easily before I water just to run-off.


Name is Richard Brozowski, worked for Wonderland, my father and grandfather worked for Grinells Music before the went under


Dude,what are you even talking about? My cool level is up there with with the likes of Urkel, Milli Vanilli, and Bill Nye the Science Guy!

Kev :call_me_hand:t4:


Dude, that’s awesome! :joy:

Damn, now that is a high level of cool right there!! And also shows your age!! Lol


It is a challenge. I know I’m giving up some yield by doing it this way but I need to deepen the personal stash and we like a variety of smoke.

I doubt I’ll grow this way for too long though I went a lot of years without growing so I’m fascinated by the variety. Who knows? :man_shrugging:t4:


Makes since

Glamour Shot Day!!!

Purple Kush

Panama Red x Pineapple Thai (male)

This male is just a beautiful plant. Eighty percent of the nodes are <1 1/2”. Going into seclusion today to prevent unwanted teen pregnancy. I will be collecting the pollen of this one.

Kev :v:t4:


Looking great, that tai cross must be straight sativa. Some of the skinniest fingers on the leaves that I’ve ever seen.

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I knew a guy by that name who owned motion picture and video services - assuming it’s the same guy :face_with_monocle:


DAYYYYUMMM!!! I love those spear leafs…, that shape is wild and how long they are…gotta see this one grow up and if a male get pollen…the 707 Pineapple Thai pollen used is a heirloom and all @Trowertripper got was males I believe so I havnt seen father grown yet.

Great Work Kev!!



Thanks mate. Yesterday, the (AKxBP)xPT decided to show its little dingo balls as well. It’s another happy plant. I plan to collect that pollen as well.

The male Panama Red is just a beautiful plant. Physically, it would bring something good to every cross. These genes need to be passed on.

Kev :v:t4:


I ran a FEMALE piNEApple Thai last summer…but she didn’t MAKE SEEDS
Yes, so need to run again…my pollen didn’t make any seeds in female plant DAMMIT.


Was going to do seed runs of Mexico strains but am running out of room


I’d say that 707 is a keeper, love what it did to my Purple Thai F…

Made a lot more Trichs and I love the color mix and fade, big strong Hollow celery stalks and dense frosty buds with a hint of metallic pineapple And spices.


Its a gentle high. Apparently has cbd. It made great cross with ROMULAN GRAPEFRUIT.


The male had hollow stalks