Kirivong-update-landrace sativa

Kirivong seems to be doing very well. Considering the fact that I had stormy weather for over a week, adding seriously low temperatures for this time of year. I thought I’d might have lost her to the elements. However, she is thriving, and putting on some decent weight. The biggest tops are so packed with weight, that I may find myself using some kind of support for them. ATM she is exhibiting an extremely mild, and soft scent. Sugary and sweet. One thing to note is that this plant has gone through a few different scents as it has grown, so it may change again upon reaching maturation. This particular specimen of Kirivong, Cambodian landrace sativa, has been very enjoyable to grow. A fast growing plant that takes to tie-downs, smells terrific, and yields a decent amount of flower. The question is…
…when will she be done?


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