Lack of ? what?

Sprinkle half a TBS per gallon of powdered dolomite lime on the surface and water it in with a microdose of nutes 1/4 strength and up your cal mag to half strength. I never PH anything with coco.I use buffered nutes. "Just make sure your tap is 7. Coco is not Hydro and 5.8 is too low. 6.5 float to 7 is your sweet spot.

Do you have a picture of the full plant?

It’s literally nothing that reacting to will help

It’s just not an issue, a water drop, too much wind, PH, nutrient deficiencies, pests, bad genetics could have caused this, who cares?

If the plant hasn’t stopped growing it doesn’t and neither should you

If you have never heard of calcium carbonate it’s what they use in aquaponics to keep PH at around 6
Anything higher than 6 desolves it which brings pH down to 6

It’s not 5.8
But top dressing your pots with some will keep things stable (I’m a no frills coco grower) check out the 2x2 club sometime


thanks everyone got a new blulab ph pen today ya’ll. my tap water was like 7.3 after filter so the cheap ph pen i was using was way off. im gonna bring the ph down a bit for the next waterings and add some calmag. again thankyou all


Add you cal mag and any nutrients first then adjust your ph



I never PH coco or my nutes, I am lucky to have neutral tap water , I add about a 1/2 TBS of Calcitic Garden Lime per gallon of medium scratch it in the surface. I also use molasses and a cal mag supplement. I use nutes that buffer at 6.5 or my neutral tap 7.0. I think people worry to much about PH. Add a good amount of quality powdered dolomite lime and call it a day. : Dolomite Lime - Pure Dolomitic / Calcitic Garden Lime (5 Pounds) : Patio, Lawn & Garden
Been using this for years. Never PH’d anything!!!


Are you referring to that small spot?

is that the extent of the yellowing?

yes it is
havent seen any more

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If very low it could be “nutrient splash” which is splashing your nutrients on the lower leaves when feeding _ just a thought - a lot of times a easy answers solve issues ??


Right on!
See this fella gets it, let the plants grow and just chill

I think there are two dif schools of thought on this pH thing too. Some people like to get it exact and adjust constantly others like us it seems prefer just to get it somewhere in the zone with some buffers and let the plants figure it out.

You do know plants can change the PH around their roots anyways right? So they.will do better (as with any organism) with stability over exact pH. Talk to the fish guys about pH when a mixed tank and fish all have dif pH needs they will tell u the same, as long as it’s in the zone and stable the fish will be better off than closer to perfect but fluctuating

So this buffering way accomplishes exactly that
Plus it’s cool to tell ppl you don’t stress about pH (they freak out)
And it’s cheaper and less work

But yeah bottled up and down and a blue lab makes a scientist experience we all love