Lagkitan landrace from the Philippines

Should be fine - may do even a little better at 11 / 13 :wink:

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By the way, the only Time i heard someone describing a Weed as “laughing Weed” was a guy that smoked Phillipne long ago.

Phillipine isse good mood zone, not the most psychedelic on earth. but still similar to other SE Asians


So good to hear that I could have some really good genetics here then! Those kinds of effects are exactly what I’m looking for! I want feel good strains not something that’s going to disable me from functioning.

Here’s a couple update photos.
Clones are doing awesome. Soon they will be in their own pots waiting for the flowering room.

Here are the parents to those clones

I’ve had to trim them several times now, I’m sure I will have to trim several times more. I’ve been thinking about putting the clones into small pots and letting them continue to flower in there. Then maybe I can distinguish sex/pheno before flowering them all. Would love to cull any natural herms before they all run together. I’ll have to keep a close eye every day.


Well the clones have really gotten out of control… in the best way possible. That said, I’m going to have to do another round of clones because these are far too large to be able to maintain for another month while my current flowering ladies finish up.

Here’s the clones:

It was too difficult to get pictures of the roots because of how big the clones are. They’re very well developed though and it wouldn’t surprise me if this strain could be adapted to hydro.

Here are the parents who are trying to grow out of control again. :grin:

Tentative plans for a seed repro will begin on Aug 1.


Those are really taking off huh?! I’m here for the whole ride brother.


Looking good!
The " terrible node spacing" begins once the stretch occurs, starting early in flower and Lasting between four and eight weeks typically , with some stretching until week 12 . Before flower and after flower Sativas are often unrecognizable as the same plant. Once they stretch, that’s when they develop their personality😁


If we flower in small pots to help control their stretch, when is the best time to up pot them during flowering?


Beautiful plants, I’m in awe!

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It really depends on whether you are doing a veg cycle and taking clones or not, or if you are flowering straight from seed. Then you also have to factor in flowering time and find out if there is a known stretch for this particular variety you are growing . For example, Congolese varieties stretch six to eight times from when you flip to flower. You want the plants to be the finished size you envisioned by the time they are two-thirds of the way through flowering ±. This is based on a 16 week flowering time. When I have used the same transplant schedule with 13-week plants of the same strain they end up smaller than I want, sometimes drastically so. I think for me I would rather have the plant too big than too small. But then again I have done this a lot of times and now I’m confident I can handle whatever comes. When I first began growing sativas using container size to control growth, my goal was to have them small enough. So when starting it might be wise to keep the plant on the smaller side and then you will realize that it’s not such a big job to tackle growing sativas and that you can grow them even in smaller spaces. As you gain experience you can allow the plants to get a little bigger if you have the room. You can always do some pruning/ training/ tying down for a plant thats too large.


For a 16-week sativa roughly week four, week 8 and week 12… always adjusting one week either way depending on circumstances.
If your plant is a little small at week four you can always skip a container and go right into a big one. Conversely, if your plant is too big at Weeks 4 or week 8 you can always keep it in that container a little bit longer. When the plants get a little patch of hairs a little less than half the size of a pinky nail they will begin to stretch. If you need them to gain size put them in a big container at this time. If you need them small you can keep them in small containers until flowering is about two-thirds done. Again you really have to do it on a case-by-case basis.


Thank you. :vulcan_salute:

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Hey everyone. I think I did my 3rd or 4th trim tonight. Fortunately waiting this long to flower them, most are sexually mature. There’s a few still holding out and I believe those will be the 14 week finishers rather than 11 weeks. So far I have 10 that I believe are female, 1 which I believe will be a true male, and one that I believe is a natural herm. If you look at the top of the cutting there are pistils along the top. Several nodes down look to be male preflowers forming. The pistils are extremely elongated so those pollen sacs stick out like a sore thumb.

Am I correct in my assessment? This would be the first naturally occurring herm plant that I’ve ever run into.

P.S. Sorry my crappy old iPhone doesn’t have a good camera by today’s standards :rofl: The pistils are kind of hard to see but if you look close you can see the fuzzy white hairs.


Yessir, that lady looks to have a set of balls as well.


Thanks for the reassurance! It was one of those things which seemed so obvious I felt silly asking for confirmation. Nonetheless when the seeds are €15/seed I wanted to be sure it was a herm before I culled it.


These have about 7 more weeks before they will begin the flowering cycle. Just waiting for my current DJ to finish before they can take over the flowering tent.

Little jungle action going on! :grin:

During the downtime here I did remove one specimen (#18) which showed severe intersex traits. Now there’s 18 left. You can see that specimen in a few posts above this one.


Loving all those long lovely leaves.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Update time? Ping me when you post. Sorry I missed the hermie post. Sometimes, if balls are only seen on the main stalk like that one, the plant will grow normally afterward as a female. Good call pulling it in your case, but if it were your only female it would have been worth continuing to grow it to see if the bad habit continued. ( edit…looks like it did)
Beautiful jungle!


@Upstate - Alrighty here’s an update!
Wide angle:



Ok so specimen #18 (the herm in question)… since it has been topped so many times, there isn’t an apical stem. All of the limbs which I trimmed showed these same traits. Pistils at the tips, with pollen sacs down below. Since I’m worried about the lack of a true male, I have decided not to cull the herm individual. It’s just sitting outside now. If I need to I can bring it in when the indoor Lagkitan are a couple weeks into flowering. Hoping I won’t have to but I’m prepared either way!

Another interesting tidbit is that my plan was to flower them in my offgrid 4x4 tent setup (which I don’t manage) but since those plants are going to finish quite a bit later than I hoped, I will run the Lagkitan instead, so pictures should be plentiful!

Currently my plan is to harvest my Double Jam lady on August 19 if she is done by then. I want to immediately get those Lagkitan in there and get things rolling! About 4 weeks until that happens. Exciting!


Moved the plants outdoors and repotted. They were ready! Only one photo until they get used to it, then I’ll take a photo of each one.


Nice! What’s the game plan now? Which one is your favorite? Any of them with a strong stem smell?