Lagkitan landrace from the Philippines

Some plants never get used to it LOL. They’re camera shy😁

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I hope these aren’t camera shy! They look pretty good to me. A couple of days of real wind and not being confined to a 4x2 is going to do these plants a ton of good.

A favorite? They’re all my favorite LOL. Honestly I can’t say until they begin flowering. I like them all. There’s a couple unique ones.

The plan is I’m going to take some clones in the next couple of days so I have each specimen secured in veg form. The outdoor plants will flower to the best of their ability in my environment. I will cull any herms but I do think I have 1 true male. Time will tell! I’m hoping to get some pollen from a Lagkitan male to several other Lagkitan females, as well as my mutants. I believe introducing the landrace back into my mutants is going to result in plants that make me happiest. If I have 2 stable males, I’m not really sure what I’ll do but I’ll probably just let them both do their thing, and hope for more seeds!

Not really interested in working with the Lagkitan. I’ll make a ton of different repros with different females but my plan is to use the Lagkitan to improve vigor and the high (effects) of my mutants. Ideally I’m only interested in the purple scorpion phenotype as a breeding tool, if I have it. I have several specimens which give me a ton of hope that I may have one. There’s even one oddball that seems to be like a weeper creeper pheno.

I’m making repros in the hopes that it’s a really solid strain that’s worthy of some experienced hands to sort through. I don’t want to be the person to do that though. I want about 100 seeds for my seed vault and my keeper scorpion pheno and maybe one or two others just depending on how they turn out.

If for whatever reason the outdoor plants fail to produce anything in time (frost comes early here) I will do the repro indoors after the DJ finishes (planning end of Sept) for her.


No these don’t look camera shy do they LOL very very nice!
Sounds like you have a good plan in mind. If you end up with some extra pure seeds I would happily trade for some. I would love to go through these myself. In fact I would be going through these now myself had TLT seeds treated me fairly.( I canceled a $500 Philippine seed order because i didn’t feel fairly treated. )
I think you’ve got a scorpion pheno in there or maybe even two of them. The question is, is it a male or a female? Time will tell. Your Best Shot for a scorpion phenotype are the plants that lose compact growth soon and begin to grow strangely. Pass a few seeds out and you will surely have your scorpion pheno eventually. If you don’t find it, someone will find it for you. Or someone will find a better one than you find and they will share it with you. Just this week I have found myself in need of some Oaxaca pollen and lucky for me I passed out a shit ton of seeds and I have a willing pollen donor because of that. It pays to be generous on Overgrow!


Sorry to hear about your order not panning out. I choose to only purchase 10 seeds and make some more because I did not like the $15/seed price tag.

I would love to get some of these to you. Ideally I want to get you about 100 from each female, including the scorpion if I have her. You could work them yourself or distribute them to those in your sativa circle. So far no one else has really approached me with interest. Maybe more would be interested if I had seeds in hand but I’m not sure. Either way, that’s kind of my plan moving forward.

I hadn’t even thought of the possibility of the scorpion pheno being male. That sounds silly when I think about it but I am who I am. :crazy_face: That would be incredible though!

I’d like to ask, did you get additional info from TLT about the scorpion pheno? When I enquired this is what they said “Look, the Scorpion phenotype and purple wheat tend to be very spindly plants in most cases, likewise their stems are half square and some show purple streaks from the mid of their vegetative stage. When the flowering stage begins you will be able to observe the dark purple colours, it is not when the flower matures that the colours can be appreciated, these shades are manifested from a very early flowering age. In the last crop we carried out, we observed a Scorpion phenotype of medium height and towering structure, with few branches and medium internodal spaces. Hope this helps.”

Since I’ve topped the plants so many times, I can’t say what structure my plants have. That said, there is 1 specimen that’s spindly. I think it’s interesting that TLT described the scorpion and purple wheat phenos differently. I’ve been able to be patient this whole time they’ve been alive but now they’re closer to flowering I’m getting more and more excited for them to do their thing.


Oh, I’m sure people are interested, I’d bet that what seems like lack of interest is people being patient and not wanting to beat your door down while you’re doing valuable work. :+1:

Nice looking plants by the way, nice dog too. :+1:


Thanks for chiming in! I hope others will be able to reap more from this strain. So far I can understand why they say it’s special. These plants really are sticky. Now TLT says that they have a varied terpene profile and I have to disagree. They all smell the same. The only way I can describe it is old school sativa. Now I don’t have anything I’ve ever smelled that I can compare it to. Compared to the modern hybrids which smell really loud like canna, these have a different nose to them. It’s kind of woody/nutty maybe, but not in an earthy way, more in the sweet way. Maybe as flowers start developing they will separate into different profiles but to me they kind of smell like my Double Jam but it’s more sweet, like nectarines. Really really pleasant without being too loud.

I took a couple of photos from the one specimen I now believe to be scorpion:

It appears to be the most spindly of all the Lagkitan I have. It also has pink veins running up the stem. Another thing I noticed is that right under where the leaf stem means the actual stem, there is a purple like ‘armpit’ if you will. On my other purple plant, it does the same thing so this gives me hope that it may actually be the one! Oh and from my notes when I took clones of everything, I can confirm she has female flowers. Whether or not she also has male flowers is another question but maybe, just maybe I might have a stable scorpion pheno.


Yup. Thats your Huckleberryette right there. I’m basing my Information off of an educated guess and experience with other sativas like Oaxaca and Thai that can also be spindly. Those long thin arms at the base of the plant are a giveaway. I would definitely put my money on miss Purple Pits Scorpio😁
Fingers crossed everything goes well with your seed making! I’d love to work with these gems.


Looks lovely with the pup on guard

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These look great! So much different than the #iranianLandrace that I grow. Long leaves!


Thank you! They are definitely showing their sativa heritage that’s for sure! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Hope everyone wants to see some true beauty in the making!
Here we go, starting with Lagkitan #1 ending up with Lagkitan #19. Last shot is all the plants I have outside atm. Good thing most are mutants!

They’ve grown so much in the last 3 days they’ve been outside it’s insane! Can’t wait to see them develop further. My (hopefully) scorpion pheno is front and center at the bottom; you can see how spindly she is! The Lagkitan occupy most of the space in there. Wouldn’t have thought it would be this easy to cram a 10’x10’ full… is that good or bad? :rofl:


Wow! Those are interesting for sure. The leaf blades on a few of them are super thin and long!


Crammed full! Love the look of them


Edit: Never mind, that was a morning brain moment haha. :+1:


Looking very healthy! Curious what sort of scents will develop as they mature


I sent a couple of pictures of the Lagkitan to the Landrace Team and they told me that the thinnest leaf specimens are normally the naturally purple ones! The more I think about it, the more I do believe I got the scorpion phenotype with specimen #4. It’s also shown pistils in the veg tent so I’m quite thrilled to see how it develops. It fits the mold. Spindly plant, thin leaves, purple veins in the stems, and so on.

They really starting to go for it now! I’m beginning to REALLY love them. Now that flowering is getting close I’m really eager to see them perform.

As of right now they all pretty much smell the same but I can tell you after they got put outside they got a LOT louder. When I water them in the morning and at night they aerate the air with their smell pretty good if you know what I mean :wink: I can say though that TLT’s description is spot on for their smells and aromas so far. I do expect it will turn out as they say too, and that I’m super excited for!


It’s ok sometimes I need a bowl before my brain decides to function. I got ya :v:


Beautiful plants. Looking forward to watching these flower.


You ain’t seen nuthin yet lol. Wait til they stretch. Looking good!


19 different Sativa plant photos in a row​:drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face:
Beautiful! I like this one too…

Looks lanky And might be another scorpion pheno. Sometimes they surprise and the ending structure is the opposite of what you would have thought at the beginning of the flowering. At any rate I like your odds for finding what you seek😁