Lagkitan landrace from the Philippines

Haha everyday they seem to get a bit taller and a bit taller :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: You have a good eye. That is the largest/most vigorous specimen and to my surprise is female so far. Actually the amount of noticeable growth that I see everyday with this cultivar is incredible. I can’t wait to have them produce seeds as well as beautiful purple sativa buds!


The lagkitan looks great. Very distinctive structure. Nice job with the grow, crunk!

so the plants on the far right are like bastard cannabis or some other mutant for stealth growing?
Just keep a close eye on the mutants flowering growth, mutant strains can sometimes be more prone to hermaphroditism than regular lines.


I’m a mutant aficionado haha. I plan on spicing them up with landrace sativas genetics and work them into my own glorious mutant lines with sativa flowers and effects! What you’re seeing here are the building blocks of my future creations.

I plan on diligently removing all males other than the Lagkitan. I also plan on culling any specimens that show hermaphroditism from the Lagkitan line too. So far I know there’s 1 male mutant and 1 herm Lagkitan that I have yet to pull because nothing is even remotely close to flowering. If there’s multiple males (would be awesome!) I will use both. I expect to pull around 50% of the mutants due to being male.

I’ve grown and flowered mutants (not outdoors) and the specimens I’ve worked with seem stable. Every plant is quite happy now that they’re sheltered from the wind. I don’t expect to have any problems with the mutant lines. They all reek wonderfully, and the new growth keeps coming daily. It’s becoming harder and harder to water them. I will work in the next 2-4 days to upgrade everything to a 3 gallon panda film container. Should make watering woes alleviate a little bit!


They’ve come a long ways. Man they’re growing…

They are such a joy to care for every day. Not sure what it is about these but they’re absolutely lovely plants. The plan for these plants was a seed repro but at this stage in the game I’m not sure I have any natural males. They’re all looking female except for the herm individual. It’s the only plant pushing out pollen sacs and I’ll have to cull it soon otherwise it’s going to pollinate with herm pollen and I can’t have that!

I’ll hold out for a natural male and if not, I’ll likely take the clones and select from the outdoor plants which clones I want to keep. The next few weeks will be interesting!


How many unsexed plants left? Got to be able to sex these by now… can you get a close up photo of the potential male plants? Looking like a jungle in there!


Male sativa plants look like females. Really not much difference. Think positive. You’ve got a male there or they don’t exist in this line. Never heard of anyone getting skunked if they have grown 10 plants or more


@Upstate - Ping!

Update time!! Good news! I do have a natural male. Turns out it was the specimen I suspected for scorpion phenotype. The unusual growth just turns out to be how the males grow. Quite interesting. As the plants have grown, the females have gotten much larger than the male!

Either way, they’re getting monstrous now and the signs of flowering is beginning. I took clones off all these specimens as I really don’t see these finishing outdoors in my locale. I plan on doing a proper seed run indoors, where I can give them the proper environment.

Anyways, here they are:

This close-up is the beginning of the pollen sacs on this guy! The females haven’t quite started throwing out pistils but I would imagine my next update I’ll be able to show females with calyxes…


Rock on brother! I may have to purchase some of these sweet thangs myself.


Thank you! I am in the process of making seeds so if you can hold out I’ll hook you up! I should have seeds before the year is over.

There’s a few more TLT varieties I’ve been tempted to get my hands on though. Trying to just be content with what I have.


Very kind brother. I have no problem holding out my man. I’m strapped in for this ride, joint in hand.


I’ll try to update this a bit more as flowers are starting to show. It’s a terrible day today for me to get pictures because it’s awfully windy! I did want to update everyone though. It appears 2 more later males are showing themselves. There should be a wider variety of phenos to sort through. I wonder if maybe these couple of earlier males are contaminated with some earlier flowering genetics. They’ve already released pollen and some of the Lagkitan females are still being stubborn to show.

Anyways here’s the most recent picture I have of them:

I will post more later!


I wouldn’t worry about that. They are just earlier relative to the other super long flowers. Anything that takes weeks to show after such a long veg cycle is pure sativa, no doubt. When working with landraces for the first time I think it is best to use all the different males, if possible on different branches. You never know which ones are Gold. After smoking the first round of females ( or even better, the males) you will have a good idea of what type of plant brings what type of effect. Use the male that reminds you of the lady you like smoking.
Male plants from Southeast Asia can be as or more potent than females according to what I have read


That’s quite interesting! It’s curious that the males possess more potent resin because you’d think it’s a protective mechanism for seeds, not pollen. That’s worth some scientific study if you ask me.

As far as an update on the plants goes, well… the poor things. It’s been cold here the last 3-4 nights and it looks like that could be normal. Last night the thermo check was 39 :cold_face: The mutants and hybrids seem to be tolerating it very well, not being affected much. The Lagkitan have drooped a bit though. A few specimens have shown to be natural herms, so I have culled those and will not include them in the repro. So far it seems I have my favorite male (the photo) and one other stable male, who seems to be later flowering like the females. I will continue to monitor them all for herm tendencies. I figure a landrace that isn’t used to freezing, this should be a good tester of stable females. Curiously, none of them are really showing purple yet, even with the colder nights.


How’s the plants doing?? Hope everything is doing ok over there for you. They looks absolutely gorgeous! After a few more grows under my belt I want to grow one of these landraces. They’re fascinating and I’d love to help preserve these, maybe some day when I feel more confident. I enailed this monkey puzzle fellow and still haven’t gotten a response yet

Been really busy with trim season and life in general. The plants are still doing their thing. Enduring sub-40 nightly temps for a week or so now. Daytime temps not above 65. Got a few purple specimens and one which I’m thinking is a later flowering specimen but it may not be the scorpion pheno I was hunting for. I don’t believe I got one… but I would have to flower indoors at normal temps to be certain. I have 12 clones going. I kept the best male (which had a branch that resembled the scorpion) and also turned purple. The outdoor males have been culled. I will let these ladies go as long as possible to let seeds develop.

Here’s the one which may yet reveal a scorpion. TLT told me scorpion phenos can flower between 13-16 wks. This one has barely kicked off flowering and we’re at <11 hours of light daily here.


Beautiful specimens!!!

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Curious how this is turning out! Been eager to try this strain given the flower time and reported effects—seems like a contender for sativa breeding in the northeast. Hope it’s going well!

Edit: oops, saw this is a year ago, not Oct '23. Still curious how it went for you. :slight_smile:

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