Landrace Expansion & Trade

Sorry to hear about your pain, you really should look into some high CBG cultivars, as soon as you put heat to thcv it turns to THC I have been experimenting with high thcv and high CBG cultivars and I’m really excited about the results so far. You should also check out
dragon juice, “FECO” I have found that it is the best for pain and inflammation. I usually make one batch without the heat so I keep the thcv in tack. And mix it with the THC because I believe there’s a lot to be said for the Entourage effect. Send me a safe Address and I’ll send you some CBG/THCV crosses I’ve been working on for pain.


count me in !! need address ? PM needed ?


Big difference, the only time I’ve ever experienced that anxious feeling of anxiety was from an indica not a sativa. Knowing when to harvest a plant whether it be a sativa or indica is crucial if you let either one of them go too long you’ll end up on the couch or freaking out because you don’t know what’s going on “anxiety” It’s kind of hard to describe but a true sativa buzz allows me to keep functioning I feel motivated to get up and do something, I am much more aware of my surroundings, and have an added energy. where sometimes with an indica I just sit on the couch and watch TV. Everybody’s different that’s just my take on it. And I’m sure there’s a really good scientific explanation to it all but you won’t be getting that from me.


Interesting. Me too. I never thought about this fact.


Good info, thank you. I’m starting to think the impairment of motor skills and/or degraded mental clarity that some can cause is what triggers that anxious feeling since I personally enjoy a more up and active experience especially when socializing. Clear, energetic, motivating…these are the descriptors that have me chasing pure sativas now.

I guess this was why I posed the question because if racy is similar to a triple expresso in the morning where you write out a full page todo list and feel like you can take on anything then hell yea that’s for me too!


@deeez99 You’ll absolutely love Oaxaca. Zero anxiety, all get up and go. It’s the caviar of Sativas.
@YoBigdaddy you sir, are a good man. May you reap all the good you sow.
@hawkman post closes in an hour…need that addy.


Yep, I’ve been saying this for years. It’s the strains that get me insta-baked (which are almost always big-time Indica-leaning hybrids) that induce panic attacks. Sativas, with their slow and steady climb, never make me feel anxious. As somebody who will occasionally go through little bouts of panic attacks (no idea why) without smoking any weed at all, I appreciate that. Plus, Sativas are just better haha!


@SativaKid man sorry to hear about the issues, i send positive vibes to you and many blessings.
so thcv,
what strains have you found work the best?


These notes/experiences of medical properties should probably be a thread somewhere. My wife cannot tolerate any smoke but I do make cannabutter for her and she microdoses it for her rheumatoid arthritis and for the joint pain. So far we have been using the cannabutter I made from SSDD and it has worked well. I am very interested in any that would have cbg to try out though.

On topic I have heard some claims that acclimation of seeds to the ‘new’ outdoor environment happening in as little as 5 years by local growers. Since Asia is the continent of origin for all three of indica,sativa and ruderalis and the plant adapts so readily origin is even more difficult to trace.


I’ve been working with a strain called purple la berna, high CBG.


Yes the CBD rich strains. I would love to have a strong Indica with about 4-5%CBD.


My Thai kills inflammation the best of recreational weeds. I bought and bred it for that reason. And now I’ve gotten into a little CBD but it makes me antsy. And I have a Red Girl Scout Cookies that is pretty good for Inflammation. And the stinky skunks also work well out of the recreational strains but I don’t usually get me some Skunk and I like Skunk.

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Odd I find good indica to be better for pain then sativa myself, skunk strains are great but then again it’s a hybrid and not a true indica or sativa. Probably depends on the person , strain, and type of pain.


I’ve read 7 generations and 5 is getting close. I believe it.


Wish i had a good home kit for curiosity sake. Any Afghan from Indian Landrace Exchange, or Afghan Selections or Real Seed Company will have the cbd phenos.

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I’ve always heard Indicas were better too but there are special Sativas. Like you say, depends on the type of pain as well. Panama Red has all of these different cannabinoids we’ve talked about… Probably very medicinal.


I find indicas tend to give me anxiety more readily than sativas but it’s really tough to put plants into 2 categories. Plants from either “indica” or “sativa” types can offer pain relief and anxiolytic effects or quite the opposite.


So many aches and pains go away with most any weed and I would imagine almost every Cannabis would help. But when I was pummeled by an antibiotic 14 years ago I had no idea where to turn. I kept reading natural stuff and trying stuff but I was screwed. And finally I listened and tried weed, and WOW it turned the inflammation off. I could then see a lot of what the antibiotic did. I then worked my way through stuff naturally. But since I was an inflammation machine tied to a pain meter. I could get relief from as little as one bong hit on my Thai, but you can’t take just one. Skunk was second best with two hits and the worst was a strong Indica I got from the dispensary. I took 9 bong hits to get over the pain. I grow CBD and make pain cream for my church friends and Not all types of pain are relieved as reported. I believe if it’s inflammation based Cannabis is a miracle cure.


In the Kashmir thread, you and @Worcestershire_Farms were talking about the plants having seemingly starting to express themselves differently after a couple of generations outdoors in New England. I guess this doesn’t really add to the conversation too much but I just thought it was interesting as hell that it was at least notably beginning in only a couple of generations.

Edit: shit was that in this thread? I wanted to confirm I wasn’t just making shit up but didn’t see it in the other thread when I was trying to link to it if anyone else was curious. I’ll change this to a link to the conversation when I find it again.


Bodhi discussed this at length in his potcast interview (how wildly different landraces are when he smoked them at their point of origin vs from when he grew them in his own environment only one generation removed) DJ Short has also talked about that in regards to Maui Wowie and other hawaiian genetics. Environment has as much of an effect on expression as anything else imo! One of the many reasons I vehemently stand by outdoor (grown in the right climate with the right acclimatized genetics) as being the ultimate smoking experience.