Panama Red strain ----which would you grow

Which Panama red would you grow ? here are the two choices::

Panama Red (Panama red x sativa x unknow sativa) Ace Seeds (F)
Panama Red (Panama Red x Panama Red (Refferman breeder of) x unknown sativa) Dr. Greenthumb (f)

leaning toward Dr. Green Thumb even tho Ace has some very goqd sativa’s ACE seed has a strain that called Orange Sherbert it has IN HIOUSE GENETICS (slurricane X ?)


Both if I could. :smiley:


Why not the Landrace itself?

I had grown the Ace panama red and was really good though.


both sound good, thats a hard choice. i wish i could get ace seeds in the states, either one you grow will be nice though


Paging Dr. Greenthumb…

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@hawkman gotta say that Ace seeds looks like they have some seriously delicious varieties! yum yum

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you can get seeds by ACE from Attitude Seed they shup worldwide !!! Go for it

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Like Referermans’s Panama Red - looked at his strains byt many are out of stock Looking at bothe strain using Seedfinders - will get Dr.Greenthimbs ?“Red” (If you seed them $5.00 for their catalog you get $10.00 off next pruchase)

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If you like Ace gear then Holy Smokes Seeds you will want some of these genetics (Both great breeders of Sativa strains

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Cannabiogen has a Panama that behaves more like a sativa, but with a more manageable flowering time than the real Panama. I think it comes in at around 12 weeks flowering. I would recommend this one over Ace seeds version.


I believe Reeferman Panama is the one Cannabiogen used, but not positive on that.


Grew out a Panama Red this year !!!

Seeds from an old head…

Starting some Coastal Seeds - Panama Red soon…


I would grow the Ace varietal; I grew a cross of their PR with Blue Magoo BX2 and found a Panama leaning pheno I kept for a couple of cycles. Great meds, stoney but not in the BC indica style.


really nice i would grow either or both, i have always wanted to try to grow that, just never know where to find the good stuff

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for Panama Red - Dr, GreenThumbs (Refferman’s Panama Red X panama sativa) or Ace (Panamam Red x Panamama Sativa)

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cool thanks now to see if i can find them in the us

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I’ve grown Ace seeds Panama and snow High seeds double Panama and out of the two I would definitely choose snow High unless you are extremely concerned with flowering time. I found that Ace plants finished in 8 to 10 weeks, with one of them about finished at week 6 believe it or not. The buzz was nothing to write home about. I gave nearly all of it away.
The snowhigh double Panama is a long flowering variety, flowering 18 to 24 weeks. It’s a hybrid between the Red Cross 1974 Panama, and Breeder’s Choice organization Panama collected in 2003 or 2004. I saw some killer plants, although they were entirely seeded and I didn’t smoke anything. Some of this smells were incredible, and there was excellent resin coverage on a couple of phenotypes.
Cannabiogen Panama Falls somewhere between Ace and snow high in flowering time,
and it looks like it’s a good compromise between long flowering and fast flowering. Sativa lovers will probably find something to their taste, and people who enjoy tighter buds will probably find something to their taste.
The only pure Panama out there is the 1974 Panama.


Go to Attitude Seed for Ace (worlds largest seed bank) for DR.GreenThumds contact them will send you a $10.00 coupon check out '" for the best information on breeders at present they have about 1,500 listed and over 25,000 different strains - i use “” and “” for reference before buying seeds (thess are the two best sources even better than Leafy (Leafy ranked 3rd) Happy Hunting !!!


yes i do the same.
will these people send to the usa? as that is where im located/
my grow diaries name is the same as the one here.
oh some of the strains dont have much info, are those the roll of dice strains??


Snow High has very good genetics and it’s hard to find strains by them that aren’t “sold out” I have even looked at “Seeds Here and Now” Great information were do you go for SnowHigh genetics ? Peace !!! Considering a Malawi and Panama Red along with Panamagoo ( Budhia’s Gojo X Panama Red) need plants with long flower times !!!