Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Ok, that area is a bit larger than what I thought you meant, I agree that within that region in that blue circle there’s a lot of really good cannabis now and then. I think that at the very edge of the blue in the northeast of Thailand places like Nong Khai and Isaan are included as it also has a very rich cannabis tradition and I totally agree with you that lines on a paper means little in some places. The northeastern provinces like Isaan and the bordering Laotian provinces share the same dialect where I would imagine that most people in Isaan, on the Thai side of the border, speaks Lao at home rather than Thai. I also agree that the region around Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai which is just north of Chiang Mai, are interesting regions as well as Burma itself and the other countries like Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia but that of course has nothing to do with the scope of thai stick at all.

The Hmong were/are also called Meo, I am not an expert on the different ethnic groups. I read the book Thai Stick Surfers, Scammers, and the untold story of the marijuana trade by Peter Maguire and Mike Ritter. The latter was one of those who brought Thai Stick from Thailand to America. Worth a read, it’s one opinion from a guy who lived it and a bunch of other funny stories but no real conclusion on exactly where thai sticks came from or who made them. He (Mike Ritter) does name an ethnic group that he was told by his thai connections grew the weed. I think he named it in a podcast he did with his co-author which is also very good listen if you’re not up for the book which was a nice read but it’s more like a nice bunch of stories not really any answers others than a lot of firsthand accounts of the early years and how it evolved.


I’ve seen the book but not read it, a large majority of the Thai stick was imported threw the San Juan islands in Washington, pretty sure that’s the same place northern lights was originally created. Smugglers had to move further and further up the west coast as every secrete little cove became on the Leo’s radar.


I just downloaded that book, thanks guys. Here’s a link if anyone wants a free copy:


I bought the book and read it, it’s a nice read and one perspective as well as a bunch of stories about that time period, but it’s not a definitive answer to most of the questions many of us have that are interested in these matters. The podcast was a good listen too as they talk a bit freely about the book and the subject of the book.

Just got some Bokeo #2, Mango Thai and Golden Lao from TRSC and as usually a bunch of extra seeds of each, planning to get these growing next season in the south.


The link isn’t working.

I dunno, I just checked and it still works for me. Your browser might block the foreign domain .is , that’s my guess?

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It’s in Google Books, if you zoom in you can read it online … beer3|nullxnull


Not quite yet it isn’t :grin:
Real Deal Thai. Be prepared for pheno hunting and 20+ week flowering.
Like @StocktonT says, TRSC too. Legit for sure.


here it is in pdf


Thai stick surfers, scammers, and the untold story of the marijuana trade (Ritter, Mike Maguire, Peter H)_Optimizer.pdf (2.5 MB)


Yes the real seed company (TRSC) and Kwik Seeds (the same company but a different site) is a real good place to get some landrace type seeds and also some hybrids they make that aren’t the same as everyone else sells. I just got the last order from them and I can only say I love them. I made a nice order but the staff also took care of me with a lot of extra seeds of most varieties I bought and I even got a good extra pack of one that I ordered a lot of. They also have a very nice service, quick and where I receive these most of the other seed banks when they send I have to make some customs declarations and pay a fine for my country to deliver the actual package but from Kwik Seeds it just arrives in the mailbox, no extra fees and it’s always very stealth… try it, you may like it! (not you @Upstate I know you already know hehe)


Oh and by the way @Upstate did you grow out any of the C99 from them? I have spread about 10-12 seeds to some friends and I am hoping to get some feedback soon. Got a pack of their Strawberry Cough x C99 this last order too.

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Man I never did get into those RSC c99. I’ve just been kicking it hard with the landraces for now. I know it’s a good one. I’m looking forward to finding out what you find out about it😁


Thanks for the PDF! I was having some trouble with the links posted earlier in the thread.

Some highlights from the book:

“Fresh Thai sticks had a spicy, thick, pungent aroma, like camphor with a hint of cinnamon. There was nothing dainty or sweet about them, and the intoxication was similarly powerful.”

"…DEA agent called it “the Cuban cigar of the marijuana world.” "

I understand the book is mostly a collection of stories and anecdotes but the following quotes made me think of cobbing while reading through these recollections:

“Traditionally banana leaves were wrapped around the buds; when they turned brown, it meant the pot was perfectly dried.”

“He devised his own packing system and used a vacuum cleaner to suck the air out of the bags.”


Yep. Cobs. When I read the part about the banana leaves and vacuum sealing, it confirmed it. Cobs of the finest heirloom sativa will get you pretty close to the Thai Stick experience that many of the old heads describe.


I could have sworn I’ve heard of thai people packing weed into bamboo and burying it like that. I found some pics but I’m not sure where their poster hailed from


and I remember reading on another site an excerpt from a spanish edition of high times where they describe thai(?) monks tying pot to sticks, sealing them in jars (possibly with some kind of hash) and then placing the sealed jars on beds of coals to develop. Sound like cobbing to anyone? I haven’t had luck finding that blurb again


I checked .my oaxcan and they have mature seeds and cloudy and amber trchomes…I need to cut then and cure them.
Should I use my usual of cutting and hanging until the stems dry then putting in paper bags until the stems snap? All three are string of pearls type pheno. I haven’t ever…


Sweet! If the string of pearl’s pheno type is not The one you are looking for the seeds you just made will contain plants with large sativa buds . Maybe 1 or 2 in 10. I like the string of pearl’s types myself. When they are getting close to being dry Cut off all the little branches and put them in a pile and start stripping them by grabbing the base of a branch and sliding your fingers up to the tip, popping off all the calyxes. I do this until the stem is so thin it snaps on me.( Anything beyond that point gets smoked. Stem and all. )Then I would cure the whole pile in a walmart bag. Put all of it in the bag and roll the bag up like an eighth in a baggie. Squeezing out the air. Put this bag in a brown paper bag and again roll out the air, like deflating an air mattress but not as vigorously. I open it once A-day Until it begins to feel a little dry when I open the bag and at that time I Jar it. Usually a week. Let it sit in the jar a week and then open it. Repeat 3 times if you can stand it…
were the Oaxaca finished flowering or its because they were loaded with seed? I cant remember…seeded yes?. I would hang the whole entire plant so it dries as slow as possible btw.


The seeds were mature and brown so I checked the tri homes with my jewelers loupe and they are definitely amber most are milky with a large percent amber.
I am proud of the string of pearls pheno. I have 6 more seeds to run next summer I had 100% germination on these six. !!


@Trowertripper Oh good! I’m happy you’re happy. I always worry about what people think when they harvest a string of pearl’s. It doesn’t look like much but really adds up nicely in the end. I recommend a 3 week veg now for better branching/ yield with this type. Been going to 5 gallon now for the finish too…starting at week 8 of flower maybe.
Really the string of Pearls Oaxaca is all about quality. I haven’t found a buzz I enjoy more.


I’ll be sure to let you know as soon as I get any reports or get to grow the ones I have for myself. I won’t forget you were the one pointing me in the direction of them a year or two back. Thanks again hehe