Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Might be something to do with it idk but it was odd.

Reminds of this quaint little video:



I hadnā€™t thought to look at YouTubeā€¦
If you think heā€™s wrapping the ropes aggressively, they use 15 ton jack screws to compress in the factory setting. That works out to 190 Lbs/square inch surface pressure. :flushed:



Thank you for posting the perique video, amazing
I learnt about fermentation reading Tangwena thread on Icmag. Many cobs look like brick weed I smoked in real life.
I am lucky, I have a banana tree. The banana tree bark is an incredible material for doing brick. The inside of it is even better than wax. And you dont need to tie so tightly like with the perique method, because the bark cures as well and shrinks making pressure on the cob and pressing it tightly

I know exactly how long the Fumo da Lata cans were left at the Atlantic Ocean
The ship got rid of them in august 1987
The first cans arrived to Rio de Janeiro on march 1988. The ones that went southwards took longer to arrive. So the minimum time the cans had in the ocean was 9 months.

The fermenting strains that change for better are the old airy pre war on drugs sativas. When I tried it with indica or indica/sativa hybrids I didnt like the results.
I think fermentation occured during long transportion or storage, and according to reports, it seems Thai Stick was fermented as well

This is paraguayan weed of today, this brick sucks

This is the premium paraguayan of today. It is kind of boutique because it is cleaned like perique, all stick and most seed is removed in a sifting process called zaranda. The most common storage method is burying the weed. When you bury in tropical soil, if the strain is good for fermenting, it certainly will. The cube you arer seeing is a 5 kg cube

This is how paraguayan brick is made


These videos are about Thailand today. Whoever got real thai landrace, sprout it as soon as you can. The traditional weed is clearly gone.
In this video you can see crazy prices going on of up to 18u$s gram in Khao San Rd and Sukhumvit av This is the salary of almost 2 working days for normal thai people Salary in Thailand in 2024
You can also see in this video Had Rin beach in Koh Phangan, the famous beach of the full moon parties and the island in front of it, super posh Koh Samui with a posh waiter bringing your spliff in a posh wooden box for prices ranging between 15 and 30 american dollars the spliff. Legalization is clearly a business aimed to milk foreigners or for very rich thai kids

In this video by Time Magazine you can see the kind of weed being grown in the fields and how it easily rots(you can see it because you are growers, people have no clue). From what I am seeing in these videos, landraces are gone from South East Asia

Have a nice week everybody


I wonder if lack of oxygen on vacuum sealed bags affects having a proper cure ā€¦ icon_e_confused|nullxnull


I honestly donā€™t know but Iā€™ve been leaving a bit of air in the zip lock and Iā€™ve very happy with how it cures .

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Iā€™ve had multiple strains continue to cure inside the vac bag - to the point where I was changing my mind on strains I didnā€™t care for at all at first toke. They definitely got smellier and more potent while inside the bags.


The best Thais that are still around seem to be Meao Thai and Red Thai. Cant find GN Thai stick anywhere

Heres a Meao Thai hybrid


The eastern manipur burma is from the area west of north west Thailand were much of the Thai stick originated , looking into what groups of people are in what regions might be more help full then any other method when you get into the borders of burma , Laos and Thailand groups of people and genetics get blurry.


there was a video posted - where older thai people were talking about the weed originally coming from Laos.

I ran some Laos last year that was electric - my feeling is there are more genetics in both Laos and Cambodia that are more representative of S.E. Asia landrace sativas than the hybrid Thai stuff that had come my way.

With all that - there is a Pineapple Thai (9-10 weeks flower) that was worked in Cali - that ainā€™t bad at all.


I am trying all the different thais available
This is the Purple Haze x Meao Thai, thai pheno I am vaping this morning. This one made bananas at the end of flowering, I still have the cut but I dont know if I will keep

This is the Purple Haze x Meao Thai, PH pheno. This stock has been done between 2012 and 2015 and it either F2 or F3 release. I like both phenos, they are very different in high. This one is more introspective. I like this cross better than the Green Haze

I tried red thai hybrid but is having a very difficult time in my environment. Bugs eat this strain. Landrace resistant seems to be degraded. I am succeeding to bring back a few to reveg but I am not sure about keeping them, my environment is not appropiate

This is my best weed: Northern Thailand 2008. The NT2008 hybrids are a bit better and stronger than the Meao Thai hybrids done with similar inbreeding depression genetics
I just sprouted all the seed I had and got 8 plants, 2 boys, 5 girls and one is unsexed. I will keep them until next autumm and at the moment I am making a P2 which I will run on autumm side by side with the 8 P1s. I hope it breeds true
Northern Thai 2008 variegated boy P1(this is the original seed from 2008)

This is all winter grow
This is Northern Thailand 2008 P2 seed in the making. In next 2 weeks plants should start the process of revegging. Will seed be finnished? Will it keep maturing even when it revegges? Is it same quality seed as the one made on flowering? I think it might be because it is exactly same genetics, I dont know

This is a hybrid (Seedsman Haze x Ohz90) crossed to a Northern Thailand girl. All thai girls indoors go intersex, it is only outdoor variety
This is winter grow, I didnt expect this. I had 50% boys and 50% girls. All girls are firm. Only one boy showed a few pistils. This is my favourite pheno. It smells floral spicy, amazing smells. Every time I got smells like this, the high was very good

And here is this pheno with one of the sisters behind. I am chopping them during weekend before the revegging process starts. To finnish them indoors at this stage is not convincing me
Excellent landrace resistance, no bugs


Whoaaa that Purple Haze x Meao Thai seems wonderful! Curious thing what you say about the red thai hybrid, I wonder if there could be a pesticide that we could make out of these plants, like the tobacco infusion one :thinking:

For how long do those run? Also one question, is there something that relates landrace accesions to leaflet expression? Like, I see a lot of pure sativas wont make the full 9 point leaf, they make like 3-5 point leaves mostly.

This one went into december and wanted to keep going, but I had to harvest it around Dec 10th.
Its Metal Malawi x Cherry Tiger x Hawaiian.
All the Cherry Tiger stuff has been 20+ week stuff indoors.

What is your source of information that ā€much of the Thai Stickā€ originated from Burma/Myanmar? Traditionally westerners seem to think that ā€thai sticksā€ originated from the northeast of Thailand, the Mekong and border to Laos etc. Not trying to argue, I am just interested what sources of information says that ā€Thai Sticksā€ came from Burma. I have smoked some really good Burmese weed but never heard anyone talk about Burma and sticks so just curious. Cheers!

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Edit , I checked the location in Manipur and itā€™s further away then I thought , but my point still stands that herb from north west Thailand in the hills that lead into Burma could have some of the genetics people are searching for, Iā€™d look for strains from that area and Laos , basically the circle @Wuachuma showed on the map below this post


The Hmong people inhabit this area quite a bit.

Long ago they escaped China intervention in Tibet and relocated on the northern mountain range of the peninsula. The whole region is very much like Hindu Kush, where its more a cultural region than tightly held state lines.
They run a lot of the Golden Triangle, as well as the Emerald Triangle.


This is what Iā€™m trying to point out is that the lines we see on the map were created and cultural and historic borders were ignored. Same thing went on between Pakistan and Afghanistan , this is why Peshawar has been located in both Afghanistan and Pakistan depending on the time period. The local tribes of people do not become different just because some foreign government drew a line on a piece of paper.


Nice pics Mister, @funkyhorse purple haze plus Malawi, just another dream come true. Poped beans today