Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Golden Tiger (ace seeds

11 weeks in flower,certainly in the zone.

Ps. The smaller different Pheno finished at nine weeks.




They’re adapted to grow in places with long or even perpetual summers.

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I wanted to cross post this from my thread because of the text from Jim of Afropips talking about his path to heirloom and landrace preservation through his experience growing up in South Africa and smoking/learning about all the different plants out there, and why he liked Malawi Gold the most:


Alex/La mano negra was a very popular and followed person. But after he was busted he never get back his original african landraces seeds.


Hey @Dirt_Wizard, I’m just curious, do you know why you would pick hollow stems as a positive trait? I’ve never heard of that before and just wondering what the advantage of having hollow stems would be. I’ve had them off an on, and just never heard it considered as a trait. Thanks… learn new stuff every day.

I went to read the stuff from Afropips guy about the Malawi Gold. I have some seeds of it made from his stock and haven’t tried it yet. I also have a cross of that to a Colombian Gold called Golden Wedding made by the same friend. I need to ask @santero if he knows much about the Afropips Malawi Gold that @Smilestyle (from another forum) sent me. He knows that other member that sent them to me along with some Lemon Thai IX seeds that SAN made.


Somebody would have to do some science stuff to determine if this occurring in cannabis but here is one interesting explanation


Thanks. That’s interesting. First I’ve heard of it.


Interesting read. I can imagine the thickness of a stem and the soft layer inside of the cannabis plant would have a little to do with a plant’s growth, survival and success or failure. Thicker or thinner means…? For instance if a thicker stem means better adaptability, great. Feed more nitrogen. (Organic please) But does that also mean more energy is being put into stem and growth than flower. I grew a volunteer Durban poison that became huge. Big, thick, muscular trunk. Harvested late September to middle October. After curing (in the jar) 2 1/2 months wasn’t as strong as smaller previous plants.
I also am attmepting to grow avocados and have done a lot of research. Seems you can feed the plant for growth but won’t get near as good flowering and fruit. Or go for flowering but you won’t get growth. I think this must be for most plants or at least those with woody stems, such a cannabis.
Thsnks again for the post. Always something to learn.


The theory that it is dedicating more energy to the stem due to the often accompanied faster growth seems balanced out to me due to the lack of a inside making it less in total mass but I haven’t researched the internal structures of the stem much and I’m getting the impression not to many others have either , cannabis is almost like a new frontier of plant science because it’s one of the few plants that had been ignored my modern academia due to all the impossibilities governments have historically had in place to prevent that so those who were doing research were often limited in what they had access to.


Golden Tiger

Week 12 in flower

Ace seeds say flowering is 10-14 flower.

I think she will go to the 14.

She is a beautiful girl. @Upstate its doing what the C G and the DPR were doing…ie you think your Sativa is near ready, then it produces more of those lovely little buds…ye mucho gusto

Edit…I got to say growing these is a breeze compared to the 24 weeks flowering of the C G

It seems to have went so fast…




Could be a coincidence but I had been breeding my Afghan for about 20 years and though it steadily got better it was not until selecting hollow stem only males that every plant became great afterwards. For sure I have had plants with solid stalks that were potent as well


Lol. That’s funny. I feel like the shorter flowering plants I am growing down are taking forever😁. I must have had 8 weeks in my head, forgetting the veg cycle. .
Curious how you like that golden tiger. Supposed to be strong


I’ve heard all the stories about the Malawi male etc…this plant is version 1 …the new golden tiger has a different Malawi ( I think)

I’ve grown a lot of Ace seeds over the years…and all have been favorable. Ye some better than others.

Those seeds were my last …and they came from my Ace seeds stock I bought 4 years ago in Barcelona.



One more thing…Regarding avocados anyway - spraying the leaves with sugared water, supposed to get growth and flowers. I wonder if that works with cannabis too…

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Around 4-5 weeks in…
KZN Ladies are in full stretch -nowhere to go but up
My other hybrids in my garden are// have been eaten up by the dreaded leaf leaf septoria_these are showing high resistance as can be expected.
The biggest one has unfortunately put out a couple early nanners which I’ve picked off _ but they sometimes do this and I’m not too phased _stuff happens_plus I’m not trying to get seed to keep off these anyway.
Got a few seeds coming up off the other gorgeous plant I posted that if I can get it right may try doing a small seed run for some of the folks that may be interested out there.


Beautiful forest you are growing there.LMAO those are some stellar looking plants.


A friend of mine (old Army buddy) is from Colorado and has deployed to Afghanistan. He said those two places have a similar climate and topography.

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I believe it. It’s the same deal out here in the california foothills, military jets used to fly right over the house while they practiced hugging the hills to stay under radar


Oceania is like a time capsule from an era when marsupials dominated. It’s the product of geographic isolation and divergent evolution. Wow…
Even if the Aborigines had brought cannabis with them 30,000 years ago, the plant would probably be unrecognizable today.


I live next to 3 military installations, one of which is an Air Force base. We see a lot of military helicopters and occasionally A-10s. I believe they’re required to fly at least 500 feet above the surface, but military aircraft are really noisy. My wife was a little creeped out by the whistling sound the A-10s make. I can understand why it could be unsettling. I can only imagine the terror of being on the business end of one of those. They’re designed to tear stuff up, which they do very, very well.