Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Dolphins and sea lions? It wouldn’t put it past me that they mount cameras on sealife to keep an eye on the oceans or bays of other countries.


@imstinky for sure either cameras or “freak’n laser beams” :joy:


Ya end of summer I’m gonna do a 3 plant sativa run inside :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:so I hand to cross fingers on both hands.lmao


I reckon that it might go at least another 14 days judging on where it’s al, good to know for sure how long it takes, outside it’s always a bit of a guess.


They do look different not being beaten by weather don’t they? I was thinking the same time frame. End of the month it’ll be 90 days. We’ll see. Cleaning her up yesterday it looks like the pollen took down low, that’ll need to keep going through April.


If it hasn’t happened already, someone is going to defy the odds and breed hops with the cannabinoid profile of cannabis. It’s like a one-in-a-million chance that one could pollinate the other, and another one-in-a-million that the offspring will be fertile.


I am very, very relieved that India and Nepal are allies. The reason for that can be summed up in one word: Gurkhas. One British officer said something to the effect of “If anyone says he’s not afraid, he’s either lying or a Gurkha.” If I ever had to fight Gurkhas, I’d wave a white flag and pray they were in a merciful mood.


Check this out. Two long seedhunts fulfilled.
Sumatran ( the infamous Sumatran trip weed?) and Chinese Giant food hemp seed. Look at the size of these coconuts!!!


The implications on a potential nutritional source are mind boggling!


let us know how they taste :wink::joy:


These are for producing seed for consumption?


Congrats on long hard found seeds!

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Yobro, just washed ashore here and found the discussion interesting! Your Golden Tiger got my interest, particularly as the bud form closely resembles a Thai landrace strain I’m growing outdoors. I had to know more, so did a little searching…found this from Ace that might be of interest to you and others;

“Golden Tiger currently contains 2 Thai strains (Koh Chang Thai and Hmong Thai), and 2 different Malawi parental plants: the Old Malawi Killer and a 3rd generation Malawi male (brother of New Malawi Killer)”.

So, while similar in appearance, the strain I’m working with is the KD Koh Tao Purple strain. (Koh Chang is up near Cambodia, while Koh Tao is much, much farther South). Interesting that it’s pretty much the only other “Island” landrace strain from Thailand. Of mine, it’s just 1 of the 3 that has this same puffy sativa bud form (so far!). At first I thought it was just going to fox-tail, and maybe it is, but it’s doing it in 3D form! I’m gonna have to shoot a new picture as the ones from a week or two ago don’t look anything like it now!

I ‘missed’ something here…I’m starting to put in a lot more pure sativa around here and have been concerned about my LS mix being too ‘strong’ for their tastes. Your comment has me wondering which way the stress was going? Drop me a DM if you have a minute please! :pray: :thailand:



Yes, for food/ oil. I wanted a food crop I could grow bush style.( I have many unused old guerrilla plots with soil as good as my garden) I don’t know anything else about it. I don’t know flowering time, when it starts flowering…height… nothing.


Holy popcorn! Man those are some tooth crackers. LOL

You’re going to be playing whack a male there too, don’t need hybrid pig feed. Or do you?

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those Chinese , to shorten and faten up a Thai, whats floweringtime? man i wonder how the buds of those look, like triple size? hahah


This plant had three roommates until a couple weeks ago, all sharing a central reservoir and therefore the same level of nutes.

The other three plants were a C99, notoriously hungry during flower, and two gdp. They did alright but could’ve been pushed harder with an average ec of 0.9-1.0 of Jack’s bloom. This wasn’t fatal for it but it curled all the new growth while happening.

Once I got the others out I dropped the ec to 0.65-0.75 and she began to straighten out.

This was a pleasant surprise because she recovered and is chugging along nicely rather than gagging and giving me the finger like a Oaxacan would.


I think in general SEA types move water more quickly than South American. An understandable climate adaptation.


Check this out, I was able to find some newer genomic research that is saying the Yunnan strains are the origin of cannabis sativa:

Genetic origins of Cannabis Sativa.pdf (474.9 KB)

And also this interesting reference from an Etienne De Mejier paper from back a few decades:

“References on Chinese fibre strains are hardly available, indicating that landraces are still primarily cultivated. At the beginning of the 20th century Chinese landraces were used to select the now extinct Kentucky hemp cultivars that were cultivated until the mid-1950s in the United States. The first improved selection from Chinese origin was called ‘Minnesota No. 8’ (Dewey, 1913). Dewey (1927) gives the ancestries of the later developed Kentucky cultivars: ‘Kymington’ was selected from the progeny of a free-pollinated single female plant of ‘Minnesota No. 8’. ‘Chington’ was obtained by successive individual selection in the progeny of a single female plant from a different introduction from China. ‘Arlington’ was selected from the progeny of the crossing (‘Kymington’ x ‘Chington’). ‘Ferramington’ was selected from the progeny of a cross between the Northern Italian landrace ‘Ferrara’ and ‘Kymington’. A Chinese strain is presently used in Hungary as a heterosis breeding parent which is relatively unrelated to the crossing partners of European origin (Bócsa 1954).“


Thanks for that Grendal! I’ve been mostly running hybrids and, as you said, they want MORE! So I’m being cautious now getting into the Thai landraces. Of the 7 large (Hybrid) Franken Bubbles I just put in-ground this week I found one completely chewed off just under the soil by termites this morning! Hoping I can find a way around this as I’d just love to do all the sativas in ground as well.

Here’s a few shots of the KD Koh Tao Purple just starting to fill out;
