Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Schöne von Albiss, Swiss heirloom


Right on, I’m glad they made it @GMan !


Where does one acquire seeds of this?

Consider checking out their page on strainly to get an idea of prices.

That is a great picture!

These are Colas from Afghani original #1 @63 days f all those white pistils means I got a while yet don’t tgey?

These are colas from a manifold ao#1 and its been finicky and now its a race against lockout. I definitly have lock out lots of flush what not just trying to get as much as possibke. So question with the bigger fan leaves killing themsleves slowly its OK to keep letting her finish at least until the leaves in the buds start to die right? If leaves in the bud are dying cut bud so it doesn’t rot is that the right idea? Thanks


NL#1 ready for harvest day 54f.


Some decent brickweed that was scored across the street from Johnson space center. NASA brickweed on day 54 of flower.


Snowhigh Seeds 1974 Oaxacan Punta Cometa on day 54 of flower.


Indoor grown Zamal, 2001 garden. Defoliation vs No(little) defoliation - #518 by OldUncleBen

Uncle Ben

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What were the aromas/scents like pre-harvest on the Zamal? What about post-cure? How was the effect ?

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Smelled like cinnamon. High was a typical sativa. Keep in mind this was many years ago, like 2001. Gypsy told the breeder Christophe about me growing it indoors and about freaked out. Here’s a letter from him I saved.

"Message from Christophe to Uncle Ben,
I’ll send you 1 picture of Zamal plant; (it’s a plant on the left with color lights). It was 4 months old, but I cut him 2 months later. on the picture you can see only the half of the plant. I 'm very surprise because it’s the first time I can see Zamal indoor and I wonder if Zamal is a good plant for indoor. I live in Réunion island and the average temperature in the year is 26°; we can breed outdoor all the year; I never plant indoor.

Few precisions about Zamal (not Zamaal): This sativa (100%) was imported from Madagascar 200 years ago with slaves. Her degree of THC is between 15 and 30% (there are few qualities),
she is very powerfull and she unsticked the head of many old smokers. She has a good ratio (naturely): 9 females for 1 male; Her florewing begins between 8 and 12 weeks; but in winter (24° the day, 18° the night) it’s not uncommon to cut the plant after 7 or 8 months; here few growers wait 1 year and sometimes more. I smile when you are afraid by 17 weeks of grow; sure it’s expensive, but may be it’s early to cut her. How many hours she is under the ligths by day? Sure it’s a long time to grow in comparison with indica, but it’s difficult to comparate this 2 plants (florewing, heigt, yield…)

Harvest depend of the heigt,but usually she is between 800 grs and 1 kg (dry) for average heigt of 3 meters, some plants can exceed 4 or 5 meters, with trunk of 15 cm of diameter! (I have a friend, he installed a swing on his plant)

Zamal is strongest than Durban poison or Malawi gold and more than many indica. She has not a strong odor (except when you smoke) usually her odor is carot-mango but depend the quality, her odor is less than indica. Buds are smallers than indica buds but biggers than your production. Outdoor she needs not too much water and she can grow in altitude (1500m). Usually she lives in volcanic earth and in fact she can grow in acid earth (PH: 5,6) In general she is resistant but she is kept fungus and ant. At all she needs a good sun.

But like I said, I haven’t indoor experience and I wonder if Zamal indoor gives you the same quality than outdoor. If you want accelerate florewing, mix Zamal with indica; ex: Afghani special (male) x Zamal=florewing in 6 weeks.

Excuse my english and if you can talk in french, that’s better.

Friendly, Christophe."

I gave the remaining seeds to a OG friend who grew them outdoors but lost the plants to some kind of disaster, forgot what it was now. Really sad, as these were the real deal.

Uncle Ben


Wow, thank you so much for sharing this recollection/preserved message. Makes me all the more interested in the lines from Reunion island.

For anybody interested, here’s a little excerpt I found on the interwebs relating to these sort of lines which is surely not comprehensive but gives a glimpse of what could be more context> Zamal, a legendary cannabis strain from Reunion- Alchimia Grow Shop

Zamal’s different genetic lines

Depending on the area, we can find different genetic lines that evolved according to factors such as their origins, the microclimate they adapted to, and the other cannabis lineages they were crossed with (or not), via the wind, animals, and even growers that could have taken the pollen (or the seeds) from one area to another. These different types of Zamal are designated by the term Kality, which indicates the species and/or quality of the harvest (ripe, with seeds, etc.).

Zamal Mangu’ Carot

Zamal Mango Carrot is one of the most famous strains, and it’s characterized by a fruity terpene profile that combines notes of mango and carrot, and sometimes grows near mango trees. This strain is typically Sativa, very tall and with a long flowering time.

Zamal Kalité Poiw

This Zamal line offers a spicy aroma. Native to the Cirque of Mafate, Kality Poiw is also known in some circles as Peppermint Mallow, due to its purple tones and black pepper notes so characteristic of this strain.

Zamal Fil Rouge

Zamal Fil Rouge is mostly present in the Cirque de Salazie, but it’s also found in Mafate. As the name suggests, this strain develops red pistils during flowering.

Le sec au pied (dried while standing)

This is a very different Sativa lineage of the Zamal, whose alleged origin would be Afghanistan or North Africa. Very resinous, this weed induces intense effects, mainly because it’s generally harvested after drying it (hence the name).

Other strains names are Une Taff and Le Grain… They do not refer to the plant genetic traits, but the quality of the flowers: Une Taff owes this name to its devastating power, while Le Grain is a pollinated plant that, therefore, contains many seeds.


Got any idea where the brick weed was supposed to have come from? It’s a fairly impressive looking plant.

nice afghani 1. you should leave leafes on. as the name suggests.

Hi there Uncle
Do you have the pictures Christophe sent you?
I wouldnt grow Zamal indoors, I tried it was an intersex festival, I took out same cuts outdoors and some of them were firm sexually

This year I am running a few different Zamal strain crosses
I chopped some early buds to try and I was impressed some of it got me very high without any cure
I believe all the Zamal genetics I have are coming from the same Christophe stock

Mango Zamal from Mandala year 2010 picture taken just now, seeds germinated outdoors end of october 2022, I believe it is 6 months from seed. Where I am this is auto genetics, it keeps flowering thorugh the summer solstice.
I got 5 girls and 5 intersex boys from this pack. One of the males was a trifoliate
Very good landrace resistance. Local ants tried them but the step back and they dont touch the plants. Powdery mildew is treated with potassium soap and no problems
The plants leaning to Zamal have chandelier branching and reach 3 meters
They have no odor at all
Girl 1

Girl 2

Mango zamal trifoliate


Kandahar Black pheno. So pretty.

I’ve seen a fair number of black plants but they never have that shine to the leaves That this one has. It’s been entirely unaffected by the cold.


Beautiful. Zamal is on the bucket list for sure.


No I don’t, sorry.

Nice pix you have. Long pistils!

Good company, Mandala. Looks like even Ace is bastardizing Zamal. Search: 9 results found for "zamal" – Mandala Seeds Shop

The persons to talk to would be Gypsy, who may have visited his old friend recently or Dubi of Ace Seeds, who I trust greatly. Both are at ICmag.