Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

I’ve grown a few that got that deep, shiny, black. I’ll have to dig out some pics. We start getting cool nights pretty quick in the fall. Colors come easy around here.


I can’t imagine a plant with a trunk 6" thick, aka 15 cm. Christophe said he had a swing on it. :upside_down_face:


Thanks for the info. I’ve got a couple of zamal lines, just waiting on an opportunity to grow a tree, lol. I have k1 and mango /pepper strains. There’s a rare one I don’t have, though.
Could be the one Gypsy collected. I hear that one is great, and I’d love to get a hold of it
French Touch seeds have 3 zamal lines, 2 pure and one a hybrid of one of the first two, and that rare third one, but they don’t ship to the states.


No I don’t

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Hope y’all don’t mind the repost of this insanely interesting article for fellow preservationists to dig into relating to being able to detect/interpret the vibrations (sound) emitted by plants:

Sounds emitted by plants under stress are airborne and informative - PubMed


Man, I love Zamal.

Lost em, but was fun while I had em.
I got several seed stocks from the european forums. Zamal collected in Reunion in 2002, 2004, 2007, 08, etc.
Lemon Verde, Mango, Pepper.
The locals say it ends up tasting like whatever they plant it next to. Lemon Verde was from plants grown next to a lemon tree patch.

I noticed a mix of autoflowering and semi-perenialism. Basically could trigger flowering early, like a Durban, but would just keep flowering all season, then reveg again towards the end of Winter. Ive heard of a few lines doing this, like Mexican and SE Asian.


I left the leaves on that are meant to be on it when manifold. Also that one is locked out so losing leaves. With all these white pistils and only a few brown that aren’t curled these aren’t close to harvest at all are they? I e seen some pics of harvested buds that have what appear to be white pistils all over. Idk

Some really interesting seeds from Mandala as I was browsing their website for ACE stuff I can’t afford:


BEYOND THE BRAIN is the one you want of those 3. I have grown it and it will not disappoint. It has SATORI in it’s genes. Mandala has a near cult following on just SATORI, itself. Think of MANDALA SEEDS as that cool indie music label the just slays with hits after hits. Satori, Beyond the Brain, 8 Miles High, Mandala #1, Ganesh… The hype strains of the world are like the vapid talentless mp3 Soundcloud music of today, but Mandala puts out choice Vinyl cuts of thought provoking, transcendental mellow goodness.


I wish Mandala shipped to the US…
I was on last week, and I had a 20% off coupon and picked out a couple packs. Got to checkout, and when you’re asked to select your country, no dice on the USA.
I’ve got a half pack of Sadhu, but I’ve always wanted to run Satori (lost a pack to unfortunate circumstances earlier in life)!
They also had a pack of beans from the Philippines, I think and it sounded super interesting.


They do ship to the US. I’ve purchased some from them recently even compadre.


Yeah I was gonna say that’s weird because I’ve seen both @OldUncleBen and @TopicalWave post this year about getting orders from them, that’s part of why I was on there looking in the first place.


They do. I’ve actually been ordering from them directly since 2021

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I was wondering about that one. Is it the head rip roaring as described?

I had some choice screw ups with Mandala around Xmas when they were taking a holiday, my fault. Every time I wrote I got a very nice, professional “we have you covered” response. Shipping was excellent to Texas. Spent many an hour on their website, mainly looking at Ace Seeds.

Haven’t germed all of them out so can’t speak for the viability. Freebie Blackberry Rocks was a dud. They brag about having tested their seeds for quality.



Dammit! I don’t know what I was doing wrong! :confused:
Not really that bummed, but I couldn’t see the option to send here…:man_shrugging:


Was it a payment issue @HeadyBearAdventures ? Write them, they will clarify what you need to do. Can’t remember but I think I used PayPal which draws from my Mastercard.



Yup, me too :joy:


I see what you mean, there is no “United States” to select under “country/region”.

Check it out, maybe it’s just a glitch.
If you are stuck, PM me and perhaps I can offer you a safe addy and I’ll mail them down to you.



Thanks guys, and thanks @Gpaw for confirming in not totally loco!


Rip roaring is not the adjectives that I would use to describe the high. It’s more like a mellow mind altering trip into states of blissful psychosomatic observations. ESP/PSI/the force experiments and research are easier with Beyond The Brain. It feels like an amplifier for the intuitive thinker. Very easy to reach a “flow” state. Complex conversations flow with Beyond The Brain.