Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Which one is right guy?

These are the only ones that come up typed and spelled how you did it, should I just try them both? Lol just be like do you know the guy I know that told me to tell you to talk to me ? :slight_smile: Lol @Upstate


Ok so you might find this interesting the IG dude the love.for.landrace guy heā€™s got a 80s model Durban thatā€™s true nld even has a wheat pheno ! And a pic of the more common pheno In the line

@Upstate hopefully this is your guy this Durban looks worth a try maybe we can get a combo pak just brainstorming :slight_smile: lol


I do believe I foundā€¦ ā€œthe guyā€ lol :slight_smile: but Iā€™m in conversation now he said he knew you so I figured itā€™s the guy :slight_smile: pretty sure itā€™s the guy :slight_smile: lol definitely, definitely the guy :slight_smile:


Looking at his pictures, it would be worthwhile to run the Durban.


African seeds is what your looking for ā€¦Durban Poison

Star Anise

The Ethiopian Highland and Malawi Gold have been worked by ACE and put in permanent collection


Well ā€¦
I have almost a year waiting for my Durban seeds from Ryan a.kā€¦a ā€œlove of landraceā€
Iā€™m just canā€™t understand why I canā€™t get my seeds :neutral_face: supposedly he send again to US ā€¦
I hope this time I can get them.


Where is he shipping from?


Ce mai face romano

I bought a supposedly charas plant from Nepal and what I got has nothing to do with the plants I saw, bought and smoked in Nepal
I spent the first phase of the 2010 Football World Cup in Nepal
So the comparison is with real life. I didnt write it might be fake because it molds. I wrote this shit rots easily. I dont use conditional tense.

This is very clear, it was written by the breeder of Cannabiogen in 2009

After growing Cannabiogen strains, I can tell you it is a disaster and all bullshit. And it was done on purpose. What are his motivations I dont know
I have for breeders the same respect they have for their customers.
Coming from this seedbank and most of the canna world, It is all fantasy names and bullshitting is rampant, I hope it is clear

People make business, these breeders are seed merchants. They have beef because they compite for the same product and the same customers. You cant take Mustafunk words as sacred. He is part of the business and he is biased
These people are not preservationists, the only thing being preserved here is the breeders ego and the breeders ass.

Things are simple in real life. When things get too complicated and it gives you headaches, it means is fake. The correct term to call all this is degradationists.
It is clear that masonery is very good for being mason but not for preserving weed
It is what it is
Have a nice weekend and I appreciate your post. Now I know why I didnt like Satori, Nepal Jam, Bangi Haze. I think it is all very low quality weed, marihuana macdonalds

I grew Nepal Highland side by side with Ancestral Skunk and The Pure. Nepal Highland was the shortest plant and the fastest. It has been used for taming weed, for making strains faster and shorter adaptable to indoor growing.
It was advertised as the tool to tame weed without using skunk

Real Nepali weed dont have any high. It is used for charas production or bhang Bhang - Wikipedia

I used the nepali flowers in order to smoke charas because I dont smoke tobacco. I have smoked Manali and Nepali charas for 25 years and I wanted to try to make it myself but I gave up

I hope it is clear and have a nice weekend


I have his Durban already. It got bumped in favor of the 73 Durban, but only because more people are growing his 80ā€™s versionā€¦and because that old Durban and I both turn 50 this year. Seems the universe has spoken to mešŸ˜


From Ireland now. He was in South Africa, and still goes there to seed hunt


Some Nepalese is grown for ganja, especially in the lowland terrai region. This lowland ( Indian)ganja genepool has moved up in elevation, mixing with Nepalese for almost 100 years, and likely for a couple hundred years now. Imo itā€™s now old enough for landrace status.
No doubt potency of Nepal charas strains is hit or miss, and mostly miss, but Iā€™ve heard of potent plants. Perhaps mixed with lowland ganja?

I wasted my money. My order of Durban ( 3 packs) was accidentally doubled, (6 packs) so I got in touch with them about their mistake and paid them for the three extra packs.$600+ order in total) I wish they were as honest as I amšŸ˜Ŗ. Iā€™d rather have my money back, than 5 packs( grew 1) of worthless seed. I worked lots of hours for those seeds.


That place closed in 2006 according to SF.

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Yeah, actually that one sounds pretty good.


He told me that he is on Europe now and supossely will be easier to send seedsā€¦
I donā€™t know what is still happening with my order seed. Iā€™m just will wait a little bit more and if my seeds didnā€™t arrives iā€™ll be asking for my money back.

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I know there was someone else here on OG who had some and was going to do a run but I think something went south, I havenā€™t heard anything on it since last august or september


Just like California has many different cultivars of Kush, Transkei Also has different isolated populations of the same land race each with their own little twist. Apondo is in Transkei.


It certainly canā€™t be done quickly. Iā€™m on year 4 and hardly getting started
In fact, it is such a long process that I have given my wife instructions in case I keel over before I finishšŸ¤£


Yeah, youā€™re talking a decade I suppose to start having any control over it. And, thatā€™s from somebody with the knowledge to begin with.


They are both the same guy. Use the Bottom iG address

People are probably going back and editing genetic additions,due to the new found interest in purity by a growing percentage of landrace enthusiasts. Iā€™ll say again that I have no problem with anybody adding anything to any strain but at this point I do feel that it needs to be mentioned because people are spending money trying to preserve things that they think might someday disappear, and if they are buying a hybrid theyā€™re not preserving anything.
I think thereā€™s plenty of people more interested in yield and size restraints than they are in purity, so I think there is plenty of business to go around for both breeding styles.