Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

I know someone reliable who has transkie seeds if you need (a couple other strains too). The guy lives elsewhere now but goes Africa alot and has been doing it for years and years . Its one he has collected himself and is the real deal pure. Not the same as they give out commonly. Decent price too. He is a good person. Pm me if you need details.


Yeah, who knows where TSC got their starting seedsā€¦I would think CBG

Yeah, classic I was about to post the same thingā€¦very strange they would say that or even stranger to Do that. Very weird

You think genetic information is screwy now wait till legalization goes world wide

And CBG had added NL to things in the past and Tikal I think Caribe even Bangi haze

I think its a stability and resin thing and attempt to breed it BX it out into a high performance sativa

Never works

Tolerance, Mold and etc Never worksā€¦Only in the F1 if is successful

You need Vietnamese or some other jungle cultivar crazy hot houseā€¦ LOL!

Plants look fineā€¦Just not really Nepalese in character ā€¦I can see that they did ok right?

You grow the Kiowa 164 Vietnam black from Doc D?

That was #164 out of a large grow Zamalito did couple few years ago supposed to be green jungle selection pheno S1 fem seed

That, would be successfulā€¦


Thats new thing the oldschool reeferman genetics site

The CBG Nepalese Highland from reeferman seeds came and went around 2012-2013

Anyone know will Cannabiogen be back someday??

Redsnake was one of the last big drops and then they dropped off altogether


I doubt it, they wasnā€™t making enough funds to keep going they said. Their other ventures were doing ok so I think they decided best to just concentrate on them.

I doubt there are many breeders around who can even make cleaned up seeds from a landrace and have the seeds be stable and free of any mutations, day neutral, low potency and average potency and hermi plants and give seeds that are mostly high quality plants with good potency all while keeping the genetics pure.


So if Iā€™m not mistaken but it seems that Pondoland, Pondolandia , apondo mystic is a place or area / region of Transkie Africa, I think so I think they are same genetics lol Iā€™m looking for same thing I think :slight_smile: lol

Lol :joy: looks like the same area to me, let me know if Im wrong but it sure doesnā€™t look like it :slight_smile: lol PS apondo mystic is a strain from that area I was just tieing them together sorry if it was misleading


i also found it confusing when somebody said CBG would use a strain from oldschoolba ā€¦

yes i think oldschoolba came later than 2013 . I cant 100 percent remeber, i mean how should i know when site first aired, but tend to think thats trueā€¦


If they add the " forgotten" ingredient they should say so.
HERE is our answer.

[quote=ā€œClassicGenetix, post:2968, topic:13660ā€]
After a lot of work we are pleased to release our Highland Nepalese. This is a reliable , fast and potent outdoor strain. Genetics are Highland Nepalese with a small percent of Northern Lights to help with resin production.
[/quote] . I always appreciate when NL is mentioned if itā€™s used. Thatā€™s where the mold is coming from.


Three Vietnam Veterans each took their favorite war era Southeast Asian strain and combined them in 1982. Itā€™s for sure an old IBL. One of the 2 phenos has lack of vigor and a deficiency. Iā€™m going to transplant those and hope they perk up. Hereā€™s my favorite. A true creeper plant.

All I did was top it. No bending or touching at all. Itā€™s my dream structure.


2013 is in my head, too. I wasnā€™t looking at Landraces back then, but by 2017 I was on their siteā€¦

@drgreensleeves reach out to Love_ofLandrace on IG and tell him Landracer3 sent you. He was planning a trip to get this strain you are after. The only way to get there, is by directly bribing the King to allow access to this special, secret location. :wink:
They use the strain to talk to their ancestors. Sorry, Iā€™d forgotten about this til now. Keep me posted. Iā€™m interested too.


yeah, it turns out to be a much more confusing case. It seems true that oldschoolba was rella not around back then, so we already have a weird anekdote floating around, right.

I actually thought CBG are the guys you trust, as the one that accuses ACE seeds for certain things is i think working as Cannabiogen crewā€¦

Probably you got a whift of what im saying: and always it was my standpoint: there is like a certain crew always talking in this fighting tone. And from my lifexoerience i am seldon trusting guys that are speaking in a fighting Tone.

I even predicted that eventually the enimys of ACE seeds might do weird stuff themselveā€¦

This might be a whift of itā€¦

HOWEVER. Who says actually that CBGs Nepalese is really outcrossed to NLā€¦
I would assume that oldschoolba wrote their own descriptions for the Genetics they took from Reeferman unallowedā€¦
When you read reefermans description on Seedfinder (wich he didnt intervene when i showed him these descriptions, nor did he aknowledge that its original) , then you see that Reefer doesent speak of NL beeing usedā€¦

So, either 1) oldschoolba knows the secret ingredient that Reeferman didnt tell the people about 2) or oldschoolba has no knowledge, but makes assumtions with a descriptions they thing might fitā€¦ hence it might be that we are now shoting agains CBG who anyway didnt have the genetics from oldschoolba, but more importandly would not know of this potentially made up description.

I am just specualtingā€¦ i have no idea whats going on, but would say that it would be interesting to ask oldschoolba if there are secret ingredients in Reefermans strains. I mean Oldschoolba allegedly worked close together once with reefer, till they had a falloutā€¦ and so forthā€¦


the first extensive Thread about oldschoolba on r__litup is 2015. Since this thread was in depth, i imagine it was the first ā€œwhoah have you sen this site hypeā€, since i assume the thread was made relatively timely after the start of the Seedbank.


@romanoweed Could be, but I have a pretty photogenic memory when it comes to dates, and I remember 2013ā€¦ Maybe it took a year before people realized they existed?


The thing is, it was very commonplace to add northern lights to everything back then( likely now too) and no one even thought to tell anyone. Maybe it was just assumed that everything had a little bit of northern lights in it and that everybody knew that. I mean technically if you are doing 7 backcrosses to the original sativa It is over 99% that Sativaā€¦
But that 1% is from one Of the worldā€™s oldest genetic pools and even at only 1% eventually it will dominate a hybrid, Especially if indica type traits ( fat buds, short stacked stature) are continually selected by people growing out the seedā€¦as is nearly always the case. They are inadvertently selecting out the Afghan.
I donā€™t think people thought much of it til people like me started bitchingšŸ˜


then bring me more eveidential things than ā€œyour assumtionā€.
not ment bad, but i have spent much time really listening to the wordingā€¦ well most often people make too simple of statements that are not much different tha ā€œits all fakeā€.
it was not untill i defended oldschoolba that i think newbies per example get a bit of true picture eventually. That is: i dont know really if this or that strain is outcrossed.
i encourage people to have more explanatory value then ā€œoh its all fakeā€, repeated every weekā€¦ thats what i help the caseā€¦
What the truth is, i am not even remotely trying to tell you, i simply dont know. neither do i wanna hide under that, i want people to be precise in statements. more explonations, more whatever, you knowā€¦
like funkyhorse, he said: it molded, thats why it might be fake. thats a good explanatory valueā€¦

Saying ā€œits all fakeā€ becuase it looks a bit like this, but representing it as pure fact, is what i tried to question. simple as that.


This certainly sifts out those that like to talk but have little to add to the conversation. Myself for instance. :joy:


When you are ready, Iā€™ll send you some Purple Malawi so you can see for yourself. Iā€™d say the matter is settled isnā€™t it? Is there any doubt in your mind that they have used Indica type plants in their " pure" lines?
Do I need to post @YoBigdaddyā€™s little Indica Malawi again lol?
I could put that plant in an ā€œIndicaā€ police style line up with 100ā€™s of Sativas and even a first time grower would pick that Purple Malawi out of the lineup as the Indica.
I havenā€™t grown Cannabiogen gear, except for Durban, which imo flowered waaaay too fast to be a pure Durban. I bought 6 packs originally, and grew one of them. Since then I have bought 4 other Durban strains if that says anything about what I think. The other 5 packs are collecting dust. Iā€™m not saying that there are not beautiful plants to be found in the line, but I was expecting Sativas and I didnā€™t see any when I grew it.


Thatā€™s as jungle as it can be. Very nice :blush:


Whos durbans have you grown out and which ones did you like?


How about the words of countless breeders that mention NL is used to " stabilize" a strain? Nearly all of them said those exact words in the 90ā€™s. Iā€™ve 100ā€™s of magazines to prove it, but not the time.
To them it was like adding ā€œa pinch of saltā€ to every recipe.


Iā€™ve only grown Cannabiogenā€™s and the Landrace Teams versions, and a couple males of an unknown Durban from my areaā€¦the only one with anise terps. This time, itā€™s 73 Durban, and I have a South African 80ā€™s Durban and one from Snowhigh to go. Iā€™m looking for the speedy Durban. Havenā€™t found it.
Landrace Team Durban might be this 73 Durban. Iā€™ll know soon.
Love of landrace Durban is reported to be speedy. Hoping this one is too.