Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

What’s tough is you are rolling one and a few seeds drop out and you drop them in the proper cup…then see a few you missed on the floor. Which batch did those come from? :thinking:

(Several strains in solo cups)


Please explain, need to sharpen my collection and storage too,like the baked flour decicant for brushing buds am going to look close tomorrow and see if the Pineapple Thai took on my purple Thai female.


It’s all experimental. I am getting more random pollination than I want but I am getting a first hand, and soon more intuitively correct, appreciation for its spreading ability. I am not currently a proponent of flour unless measures are taken to sterilize it.

I am gauging the likelihood of cross polination on the frequency of accidental polination which appears to be a seed or two per plant. Except my one MM which has lost entire buds.

I am only interested in harvesting my intentional crosses. The randos all go in a jar together to offer to the next visitor who wants seeds and doesn’t care.


Bake at 200 for half an hour on flower. Thanks for the reply, that’s what I am looking to do also…:beer::sunglasses:


OK. Currently, I cut pollin dropping branches and tap them over a 12" mirror. I remove flowers (and lately aphids) and then gently, paint dabs of pollen onto exposed branches. There is a plastic bread bag over the rest of the plant. The excess, I scrape with a credit card edge, into a centerfuge tube with some moisture capturing balls. These go in the freezer. The mirrors and credit card are rinsed with warm water and dried over night.

I take the vials out when I need them and anticipate they will last until my next grow. Some have failed earlier. I expect inadequate filtering of bio materials to be the cause.

Gonna test the oldest* Jungle Spice pollen on another Darién Gap in a few weeks. Make more 3 Jungles (F1) seeds!

*I have older herm powder from my first summer but I suspect it’s dead and wouldn’t want to use it except for science.


I like the way @lefthandseeds says to do it. He lets his dry out before storing it. I know one advocated against freezer storage but if you store it next to a cold block and away from the defrost heaters it should stay frozen and be fine for long time storage.


It does help a lot to dessicate the pollen first. A surprising amount of water vapor comes out of what you collect from the plant. In my dry box, I can see it keeping the humidity high for at least 1-2 days before it really bottoms out.

My first iteration of the dry box, I actually cut in glove ports so that I could seal pollen in a dry environment. I found that to be a little unnecessary for storage <1y but if I ever planned on trying to do really long term storage, I’d go back to it.


Other than using baking flour or corn starch as a desiccant another very important step is to let the pollen thaw when you take it out of the freezer…

Just think of the condensation that accumulates on a cold beer when its removed from the fridge

I still prefer gel caps for pollen storage…placed in a secondary container…ziploc or sealed pill container with silica gel…although I’m sure centrifuge tube work well too…You just want to minimize air in storage container too…


That’s a really great idea! I’ll have to give that a try.


How did you dry it, heating pad? It is the only thing I can think of that wouldn’t blow around the pollen.

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Do you mix with anything (flour, corn meal, etc…) or just load capsule with straight pollen? Do you think capsules that may have remnants of, let’s say something like Saw Palmetto would contaminate the pollen (it’s what I have)?


For sure…Add either corn starch or baking flour…I often put 1/2 tsp of flour in the microwave for 15 seconds…to make sure it is very dry as it can retain humidity…Be sure to let the flour cool.

Then mix approx 10 parts flour to one part pollen…be sure to make multiple caplets as
once you take a caplet out of the freezer to thaw…you’ve got you’re one go…don’t count in being able to refreeze…

Personally…I wouldn’t store in previously used caps…most organic food store and pharmacies will have them…probably Amazon too…



Red Thai male


It looks more like he is giving you the finger for sticking him in the garage :joy:


How long does the Red Thai Go @Yaxu if you don’t mind me asking?


Hola @Yaxu preciosos. Pedazo de uñas se gastan.


Hello, if you ask how long is the flowering time of Red Thai, I do not know … there is only this male of all the Thai red, my dog ​​ate the others. Fortunately, a friend has seeds left.


Mine just waits till I’m trimming and steals buds out of the tub … :rofl::v:


ko chang x tom hill haze


Punto rojo x original haze f1