Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Cool growth habit. Is that natural? I have an old marijuana book, and during the early breeding days they called that a creeper phenotype. They are supposed to be heavy producers, and from the picture it looks like that is an accurate assessment


What a great idea with the caps for pollen. Iā€™ll be using that one soon. Thanks.


CBG Durban grows like this. Mine ended with huge larfy buds. Can be pretty hard indoors. I got some wicked foxtailing on the top because I couldnā€™t keep it out of the lights.


Damn! I didnt notice those shoots going off the top of the plant before. Is that the foxtailing you are talking about? Thatā€™s from heat from the light? Sure is a beautiful plant. Deep water culture grown? Any extra nutrient requirements?


Yea thatā€™s just from the intensity of the LEDs at very close range. Coco grow.


What kind of pot is that? Iā€™ve never seen one like it, but I do live in the boonies. Looks like DWC bucket. How tall was the plant at finish time, and how tall was it when you flipped the lights ? (roughly)I up potted to 2 gallon containers for the durban. I induced flowering a week ago. They grow so fast when you up pot! Hope I donā€™t regret it . ā€¦


The pot is just a 6" hydrofarm square pot. On top is a floraflex cap just for water distribution. I canā€™t remember how big they were when I flipped, but I usually flip at about 3 weeks from seed. I think itā€™s probably about 5.5ft tall.


Oh s***. I think two of mine were a foot-and-a-half when I started flowering. I may be in trouble, lol. 5 1/2 feet? I hope mine donā€™t get bigger than that!


Sometimes I cut my losses and do a post stretch topping. I know it probably hurts the yield, but when youā€™re growing pure sativas indoors, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta doā€¦

Itā€™s better to make the hard decisions early than to get into trouble mid to late flower.


Thatā€™s good advice right there . I may have to bite the bullet on some of my plants . How do you know the stretch is nearing an end? Or has ended? And do they grow more after the stretch is over?


Usually you get a few pistils, then stretch for a couple weeks and then bud development. If youā€™ve seen it hit its growth spurt and are now seeing bigger increases in pistil production, then with most strains, itā€™s probably nearly done stretching. Sometimes sativas will continue to stretch while also pumping out more pistils and just seem to keep endlessly stretching. IME this is mostly with the really long running sativas that go 16+. The CBG Durban will probably not go much past 13 and maybe as little as 12. Mine had a definitive end to the stretch, but I canā€™t remember when. Iā€™d say it was at least 3x though, maybe 4x.


Iā€™ll have to get a couple pictures of the Cabeca de negro for you. Thereā€™s either two phenotypes, or it is a hybrid. Half of them are are growing and flowering like my 16-week Malawi, and the other half are branchless and budding kind of fast, with almost no stretch, tho they are starting their 6th week of flowering. I sure hope it isnā€™t a hybrid.


I shouldnā€™t have spent money on these with all the controversy surrounding them as to whether or not these are the true landrace. But for a hundred bucks I took a chance


Thatā€™s a good idea. Sometimes I do that accidentally with a butterfly net trying to catch a Cabbage Moth LOL. Took the top 6in clean off this morning on the twin Durban. I have a thing about symmetry, so Iā€™ll have to top the other half now. I didnā€™t want to do it midday when the other side broke. I guess Iā€™ll have a lollipop shrub on my hands. I wanted to let it go untopped as long as possible so I could see its natural structure.


Cabeca. Day 38. Heightā€¦18-26 inches tall. I should have joined the solo cup challenge with the little one lol. Great success so far with height control. Itā€™s a huge relief, as more germinated than expected. They have grown some since I transplanted into one gallon pots around a week ago. What do you think? The leaves on the beanpole type are crazy skinny. Could this be the pheno used in white widow ? Or hybrid?


I have no idea, but those look great! Iā€™ve read some places say itā€™s Manga Rosa. Are they the same? :man_shrugging: I donā€™t have much idea about Brazilian strains.


Thanks! This is from the mouth of the Amazon. I believe the other name is bahia blackhead, but the landrace, not kcbrains version. There are equal amounts of each pheno. Neither one sexed until after 3 weeks flowering. Born mid may I think. Started flower june 4. I have heard some say Manga Rosa is the same landrace.


Hard to find any info on it. The calyxes are going to be large, and are going to mature at a different rate in the same flower. I have a tough time describing smells, but I can tell you itā€™s incredible. Very very nice. Looks like good resin too. Soon thereā€™ll be enough calyxes to pick some off and dry and smoke them to get a taste( one puff). The early ones have matured nearly enough.

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Nice structure there upstateā€¦Good looking plants :slight_smile:


Thanks MrToast. (Iā€™m out of likes)They are easy to grow so far. Iā€™m hoping they grow a bit more, but the branchless pheno seems perfect for sea of green, and Iā€™m starting to like it. Iā€™ll be making a few seeds. @Heritagefarms is at the top of the list for some, but if you have interest let me know. Iā€™m pollenating tomorrow( beanpole pheno)if the weather cooperates, shooting for 80 seeds or so. If it grows more, Iā€™ll hit it again. The branchy pheno will be ready for pollen in a week.