Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Those are last year’s males everybody don’t get too excited. LMAO


Unfortunately I do not. I have a couple bags of old ffof that I’ve used through a couple grows that I add a little new ffof to to get through a couple weeks of veg. I’m trying to do this on the cheap kinda maybe $30. Any advice will help thanks


the good news is that the more feral it is, likely the less you’ll need to work with. I would imagine that intuitively a prudent thing to do if possible is to get an idea on the point of origin/collection area and some research skills to see what the native soil is like composition wise to emulate it if possible

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Awwww. I was already planning a trip to Michigan timed to your harvest🤣


I reuse all my soil. Just add some food to it when I’m done with a grow, and leave it outside to get rained on if possible( to wash away any salts), but a tupperware or bin will work indoors.
My first Sativas were in ffof mixed with compost, castings and garden soil. If there is any good local soil from the area you can get your hands on, I recommend filling a trash bag or two. From the edges of a local creek or in a forest from the top six inches…
Mix ffof at 50%, local soil at 25%, compost and castings mix 50/50 with perlite, and then add this as your last 25% of your mix. Organic dry food of any sort is good to have. I put some on the bottom of the container floor, and sometimes I make spikes out of them during transplants into bigger containers.
So all you will need to buy is a bag of castings and a small bag of 555 organic dry food, or similar. No crazy high numbers of ferts needed. You can grab forest floor humus as your compost. $50 maybe. Going to be tough to do for $30.


Stoked to be growing this! One of 3 has made an appearance so far.



Whoa!! Actual Mullum! Gonna watch this. :eyeglasses:


Yep. Purchased from Kangativa directly by an Aussie friend and sent up to me. Wish me luck!!


Fear not, you’ll get a taste. :wink:


Bonne chance! :crossed_fingers:


Cool thanks man! That’s not bad $ especially since I planned on getting worm castings to make a compost tea so that was already a plan. $30 was kinda an arbitrary number was just picking a low amount that wasn’t crazy. Live in desert so no creeks or forest lots of poof dirt and clay though lol. So just make sure used soil is salt free or inert then add food basically. These plants are jumping quick.


Looks like some monsters In the making. Gonna be some big trees by fall.

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Holy cow these seeds took right the f off! Hit water last Saturday 36 hr soak 12-24 hrs paper towel then to dirt or peat plug. Look at this shit! Big shout out to @Pigeonman you said seeds like humidity so covered seeds with plastic wrap in less than 18hr all but 1 of 12 popped. Thanks

Ignore the 3 brown peat plugs with nothing growing I didn’t cover some autos think they dried out. Look at the length of this roots!


I hate those pucks. You better cut the bottoms.out of them


Very cool! Is this the one that was outcrossed? As I understand it, kanga had no mulim pollen his last grow, so he used something else to make the last batch of seed. Either way, special plants. Happy to see some green above ground😁


I’ll echo that. I had more yellow plants than green ones using those pucks. I suck at using them, but some people like them and are good at using them.
@420noob I’d transplant asap…and cut those bottoms out. The pucks are OK for germination but the plants will appreciate soil. I should add that your plants are looking good👍 its just that us old farts get nervous around pucks lol.


I’m not sure @Upstate . I recall a warning that they are older and may not germ and that they were expensive ($20 aus per).I will ask, now that I know the situation, so I know how best to make more seed with them.
Thanks for the insight.


Has anyone ordered from Indianseeds97? I made an order a few days ago and he was very prompt. Then I paid and nothing… Maybe he’s just busy, I hope.


Welcome to the club. Prepare your self for a very long wait, but when they arrive… You have just stepped into a world of effects and terpenes not known by most people outside of India. You are in for a treat. Just be patient and check in with him once per month. One that is not clearly understood by many people, is how mummifyingly slow the Indian postal system really is. Your seeds will arrive. in the meantime, head over to the Landraces of India thread. Start at the beginning and get caught up on the grow/smoke reports.


Sounds good thanks for the words of encouragement! I’ve been sitting through the thread. That’s actually how I found him. He said it typically takes two weeks. But if it takes longer that’s fine. I got a few strains that are supposed to taste/smell like Mango. One is Meghalaya landrace and the other is Wanz. Wanz can sometimes taste like green apple. I can’t wait to cross these sativas to some of my stock. I think crossing these :100: sativas to my sour bubble should create some really nice flower. I just want to pick up those mango terps. I love fruity mango smells.