Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Of the 6 there are three broad-leaf and 3 narrow-leafed plants, respectively, you picked out one on the BLDs. Are you familiar with Mulanje?


I second this sentiment, it’s the holy grail of flavour for me. Big, loud and soothing all at the same time.


I recognize the old-school leaf pattern. I have seen it in a few things… one of my favorites.


Very pretty. Very much looking forward to seeing updated photos here. Hope she’s a good one!
@Trowertripper thanks. It appears I may have Lyme Disease and not the Rocky mountain spotted fever. Whatever it is, it sucks the wind out of you. I’m slowly getting better, it seems.

First 2 pics 82 meangreen 3 way Southeast Asian creeper pheno.
Then a Peshawar " Joe" bx 12 12 from seed
Some Oaxaca, Silversides pheno
Then some 71 Panama Red starting to make flowers.
It’s really nice to Come back to OG and see all the new landrace action. I used up all my likes for the day in less than five minutes. If your photo didn’t get a like, that’s why. Great work everyone!
@Zanzibar Nice to see you got such good germination rates!


How’s the Sheberghan and Balkh ?


No. All Hashplants are unselected for thc and none smoked as flower. The most resinous plants’ seeds are kept for the next year with no regard for thc/ cbd. There are simply too many plants to do that. Generally speaking, a whole field will have a 1:2 - 2:1 thc/ cbd ratio. I’ve read of 3:1 ratios being found too. If you grow unselected hashplants, you are going to have 25% cbd phenos. 50% mixed ratio thc/ cbd phenos, and 25% thc phenos in a field. Grow enough plants, and you’ll have the same ratios. It’s the luck of the draw.
I find the mixed thc cbd phenos can have a high that is as enjoyable as thc dom highs. It just feels different. More relaxing.
Someone reply…I have more pics to post.


So my selection of long flowers are growing ok. Apparently some aren’t nearly as happy as the others


Is that also the case with Nepalese hash cultivars?


Landraces growing outdoors are my favorite pics to look at. Nothing against indoor polyhybrids; just personal preference. Beautiful plants, by the way. Thanks for posting.


I’ve been hoping to see sex on one of the two before I transplant. They are still small. Probably will just up pot them soon.


Are you shure Afghans arent selected for THC… ??? Imho they ARE selected, like any other Cultivars (Thai, columbain, african, indian). Only difference i heard is that they area selected in whole batches of Seeds … The batch of seeds who gave the best hash was taken from previous year to my Knowledege.
Are you shure it were individual plants selected pre 1970 in afghanistan, or is that a new satement?

The only possibility for Afghani to contain more than 2, 3 Percent THC, is that the Gentics are not stemming from Afghanistan, or they were selected… for THC… Otherwise the THC levels wouldnt be so high, no?

all imho…


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You inspired me to get my butt moving. New home for the sheberghan Balkh. they’ve been pretty neglected till now. I spoiled them pretty good in the soil. Either they’ll instantly die or they’ll take off. :joy:


With their hash cultivars, its also the case, but . some Nepalese are used as ganja plants, usually referred to as mountain ganja.


I think they’ll take right off. They will love your locale, I’m quite sure of that. Just keep them watered til they get established


not my experience - in Nepal, I only found hash to smoke


I saw the Mountain Ganja on The Real Seed Company’s website and was intrigued. A 20-foot plant that can produce both charas and ganja…it doesn’t get much better than that. I know what’s going to be growing in my yard next year (This will likely be the year it comes off Schedule 1. Georgia will probably go with decrim, and almost certainly will de-prioritize it).
I feel like a total coward for not growing right now. Many people here on OG have sacrificed so much to bring us knowledge. Much respect.


That’s accurate. Seeds that make the best hash are sought by all, but they are not specifically looking for high thc, but a certain high type. Relaxing.

I don’t recall ever saying that.

Comes down to luck. If both alleles favor thc, it’s a thc dom plant. If that plant is very resinous, it will have high thc %. 15% sometimes. Higher is possible, but then, like you, i worry western influences could be responsible. No way to know. I’d rather do things the hard way and know i’ve got something purely local in my hands than to pick up Black Domina grown in Afghanistan.


The locals say differently.
It’s supposed the ganja tradition dates back to the 30’s, moving up the mountains from India and from the Terrai region. Most Nepalese ganja is suspected to be a hybrid from this time. Nepal x tropical Indian


Sometimes my friend you have to give a subtle fuck you to the government. In Georgia. VERY subtle, lol. Save that Nepalese for After legalization, but find yourself something smaller to pass the time. You’ve been in the military. You can hide things easily.
@Herrsquidward let’s play " find the pot plant". When I get some time today I’ll hide a few plants and I’ll take a picture at 30’ To see if you can find them. I would often bring my mother outside to try to find my plants to make sure no one could see them from the road. I would bring her to within ten feet of a plant and then tell her to find it and she could never find it. Our fears make us think things are so easy to see.