Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Looks like they are growing out of it but my guess is no light/lack of light when they germinated? Next guess would be too much water.

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:joy: all those plants look alike haha


That’s it. Tough to see, isnt it? Photo was taken closer than I thought. Maybe 15 feet away.
Pic 2 I can’t find it either. Man, that’s great camo. @Herrsquidward We are all sitting here staring at a picture that we know contains a plant. Imagine someone just driving or walking by and glancing, not looking intently. No way in Hell they’d see it.


Best guess is overwatering. I would let them get real dry. Let the soil start to pull away from the cup before you water again and don’t water heavy. Give a quick pour and that’s it. Don’t try to catch any run off. You want those roots growing to look for more water


Any ideas what it might be? Very nice!

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Not soil mix too rich,?

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Put yourself in a cop’s position. Try to think about what YOU would be looking for, and go from there. Just make sure there aren’t any telltale signs such as pots, soil bags (or any litter), big patches of green in the middle of an otherwise bare patch of ground, etc. Also, make sure they aren’t silhouetted among anything other than more similarly colored vegetation. Keep them LST’ed to below waist level and try to make sure they stay out of anyone’s line of sight.


@Herrsquidward I have it down to a science my friend. 30 years doing camo. My first year growing I made a nasty foot sized pit fall trap with a nail embedded board a couple feet down. I hid the hole so well, guess who fell in it? :rofl::sweat_smile::rofl:serves me right. Someone had stolen my top colas, but a little weed is NEVER worth hurting anyone over. If you try, karma will get you lol.


I grew up hunting for subsistence. Deer, and especially turkey, are remarkably perceptive and can be difficult to hunt. Of course, the Army taught me about camouflage and concealment, but I already knew most of it. Aside from coloration, the objective is to break up the outline. There is also the concept of Impenetrability, which means two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time. How that applies here is nobody is going to search an area if they think they know what’s already there. In addition to the other camo techniques, put your plants somewhere that looks like they couldn’t possibly be. A buddy of mine used a brush pile, where he put all the yard waste (such as branches, leaves dead vines, etc.). He also piled up dead blackberry and saw briar vines all along the outer edge of it. Not only did it look like there couldn’t possibly be anything else there, getting near that spot meant getting torn up by all the dead thorny debris.
Of course the elephant in the room here is that it’s really messed up that we have to resort to such techniques…all over a plant that has never killed anyone.


Those are very good points and invaluable insight. The best guerrilla spots are incredibly difficult for the average person to reach.


So it was those stupid jiffy pots. The ones that are just supposed to turn into coir when wet so can plant the whole thing. Well needless to say those poor plants were rootbound kinda in a small ass pot with an inch of seedling soil so not much nutes.

fuckin useless! All the ones to be up potted all planted same time, soil, type of container, everything was the same except peat plugs did fine decomposing pots all bad. I pulled them out of the solos and only broke a couple roots cause they hadn’t come through. The few that had started were still stuck in the layers of wall couldn’t get through. So hopefully not much shock and these bad boys can get rocking and catch up to the non jiffy pot seedlings. Thanks for all your advice.


panama from cannabiogen is panama red hair/ panama79 for a more current Panamanian woman who had indica blood, the selection of kaiki, implied several phenos, some quite sativa. but dubi did what he always does, look for the most suitable phenos and hit the backcrosses


Dang man, I lost many veggie plants in those stupid starter pots.
Glad to hear you freed them and got them in fresh soil. They will rebound quickly.


Those plants will be cruising before too long. Any of us here giving Advice about mistakes made are giving it because we’ve already made them lol. It’s not your fault. They don’t perform as advertised. Now you can join the ranks of those giving advice😁


I’m starting to think all Panama red is a hybrid, as @MAHAKALA told me. . I’m growing a 1971 Panama Red that should predate any recent indica introductions, and yet still see Indica influence. Something must have come through the canal years ago that was shorter flowering, or Parke Davis genes made their way to the isthmus, or our military boys planted some headstash, because this seems stabilized at this point, with uniform smells and phenotypes evenly represented. The snails and slugs will not touch it, so, it’s acclimated to Panama, whatever it is. Looks like the one I have is going to flower between sixteen and eighteen weeks… Which would suggest 1 outcrossing of the local ( lowland?)Panama/ Colombian landrace. If you select something like this towards short, Indica looking plants, that’s what you’ll end up with. You need to keep the long flowering sativa phenotypes in the mix, imo, to keep the full Panama Red profile.


Didn’t Panama Red get its name from pink pistils?


Thanks all for the support on my mistake. So I grew a “stunted” auto in one of those pots that I harvested and ya no wonder they were doing badly. This one went through a full grow in the dirt.

notice how intact and how no roots grew threw the side. I had made the hole in the bottom before I put seed in or it probably would have died.


The binders they are using now to make those pots are too aggressive. When they first introduced those they were significantly more fragile (but eventually allowed root penetration). Over the years they have morphed into a material more resembling MDF.



Did some up potting today! Even took some shit ass pics to share with you all. Not being a dick just have a shit phone that takes shit

Oaxacan #1

Oaxacan #2

Oaxacan #3

Peshawar afgahni #1

Peshawar afgahni #2

Ancestral skunk x Turkish hash plant.

The other plants seem to be recovering pretty quickly from the noncompostable pot mess up.


They’ll take off now in the larger containers.